This flu season is set to be a particularly harsh one, and CDC - TopicsExpress


This flu season is set to be a particularly harsh one, and CDC reports that it has now crossed the epidemic threshold. With school starting up this week, we anticipate that the influenza will really take off. There is still benefit from getting the flu vaccine despite the mismatch between the vaccine and circulating strains. Vaccination has been found to provide some protection against drifted viruses in past seasons, and it will also shield against other flu viruses that may show up later. Teach children over and over again to wash hands often throughout the day, and to keep hands away from their face. If kids become ill, allow them to fully recover at home, at least until 24 hours have passed since the last fever spike (100.4 or more), without any fever reducing medication on board. The poster below shows on the left the usual flu symptoms, tipically with a sudden and intense onset. This should prompt a visit to the doctor to confirm the diagnosis, to gather information regarding treatment options, and to discuss the eventual need for medication for a high risk child. The severe and less common symptoms on th right side of the poster would warrant a trip to the ER without any delay.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 05:39:45 +0000

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