This goes great with our gospel doctrine lesson Martha Wright gave - TopicsExpress


This goes great with our gospel doctrine lesson Martha Wright gave Sunday which was another GREAT. Lesson thank you Martha, this is soooo true Satan loves it when we are discouraged or down, dont give him the satisfaction, now IS the time to prepare to meet God we can ALL do it!! Remember in comparison to eternity this life is a drop in the bucket. Ive always like this analogy - take a long rope have someone hold both ends stretch it all the way out, now you grab the robe in the middle with both hands. This is what are life is like here look how much rope is to your left, thats pre earth life, look on your right thats eternity, youre life on earth is so short in comparison to where weve been and where we are going!!! This life even if we live 100 plus... Is SHORT! We can do hard things ( believe me I give myself this pep talk everyday) I can do it because I have a great support system and without that I wonder what i would do, I know what God expects of me Im so grateful to have been adopted by parents who belong to The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, this is the best gift I have ever been given, I have friends of other faiths And they are FANTASTIC people I just wish they had what I have. YES, it is the complete gospel that Christ had on the earth when he walked the earth, we HAVE the Priesthood!!!! And sooooo much more like a ward that cares about you a Bishop that actually knows your name, Visiting teachers you REALLY can call who REALLY will be right there for you and trust me Ive called and they came Thank you my most recent Peggy and Jenni and countless others throughout the years. And home teachers Bug and Kevin who know us and inspire us with every visit, I cant thank The Lord enough for letting me be here on this earth, and believe me it hasnt been an easy life, growing up or even now I have trials daily, sometimes minute by minute Ive always said roller coasters make me sick and sometimes my life is a roller coaster, but I do believe ALL of this is making me a stronger person and I do believe that is why we are ALL on this earth. I know God lives and loves all of us, he sent his Son Jesus Christ to show us the way to live so we can return back to him, I am so grateful for this Christmas Season when the whole world remembers the birth of our Savior I can feel the Peace he wants us to feel when I take the time to pause and reflect. I hope and pray you will feel that peace. And please know God Loves you, I love you, if I can help you in anyway I want to help. Life can be a struggle and we need to be there for each other. Jesus is the reason for the season dont get carried away with all the commercialism keep it simple (stupid). I just had to
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 13:55:03 +0000

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