This government has been remarkable, and this article provides - TopicsExpress


This government has been remarkable, and this article provides some insight and makes some good points. The atmosphere of Liberal party staff and how its run makes total sense as reported here, they are not even allowed to offer any criticism or negativity, and thats toxic. There hasnt been a government quite like this that Ive ever seen, but there are parallels between this government and the Rudd / Gillard one. Its interesting that all the errors the previous government made was so well highighted by Tony Abbott, only for him to repeat some of them. This is what I think is some of the reasons why this current government is so toxic: * They dont consult or listen. They think if they just push hard enough they can do anything they want. * They are taking the Australian public for fools and mugs. They have a very well rehearsed rhetoric that less and less people are believing, and dont say anything new. Things dont become more true if you say them more often. This rhetoric is political poison in itself now, it sounds delusional and highly arrogant. * They have backed themselves into a very awkward corner. If Tony steps down, it makes the party look unstable, the very thing he accuses the previous Labor government of. If he doesnt, peoples hatred of him will most likely hand Labor a massive majority next election. If he continues his pushing of his hard-right agenda, it will just continue to be blocked in the Senate. If he compromises, he gives his supporters the impression that he is prone to back-flips, is unreliable and unpredictable (again what he accused Labor of). * Quite simply he lied and covered his true agenda. Hes well and truly used up his political credibility there. * State Liberal parties are feeling the heat because of Federal Liberals, there is a backlash there, when probably State and Federal Politics shouldnt mix like that, but it does. State Liberals quite rightly should be very upset with Tony. The article says that because of the previous Labor governments incompetence and turmoil, it made Tony Abbot look like a far better political candidate and leader than he actually is. I TOTALLY agree there, and really its time for the Australian public to see that this government IS the one they voted for, the one they deserve, and they need to take a hard look at themselves and demand better, higher quality politicians.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 23:47:01 +0000

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