This has been coming for years and I remained positive but - TopicsExpress


This has been coming for years and I remained positive but tomorrow the dance really begins. My Own Life comes to face NHS cuts. I have an epic medical record. The last time I saw the paper copies, those creamy coloured envelopes that EVERYTHING went in I was about 25 and I had six folders worth. Add 20 years and HepC treatment and thats a heck of a bunch of records! In Bath, I am so blessed with my G.P. I first met him when I was 14 and he was so young. So was I! I was worried that I may not take to this new and keen counterpart the wonderful Doctor Powell had brought in. I need not have worried but I did miss the two massive doggies that Doc Powell always had in his surgery, in winter the log fire would be blazing and the two dogs were flopped in front of it. He was a Proper Doctor, Old Skool and I still use many of his home remedies to this very day. He left his beloved surgery in safe and anxious hands, hands that wanted to give more to the patient and to do that it meant a new surgery rather than the Wonderful Old Victorian House it was in. So that surgery was built on my old school field. The names stayed the same, just had a surgery that worked now. But no doggies Doctor Richard Wharton, you have seen me through so much and you have been threatening to retire for so long now. I do not want you to go but you, of all people, deserve a rest! So for me, stay, for yourself, retire to your sheep farm and mountains. You love your given vocation too much. You give your all to it. And then some. You have seen me fail but I did, ultimately, succeed and pre-treatment was all guns blazing to get of the TINY amount of pain meds I am on because they have opiods in them. I was so close, 0.6ml to go. Brighton threw them at me like smarties and then I was told to stop and do treatment so I did and it worked so thats all good BUT now I am told that I MUST stop my meds. Coz I Wuz A Junkie. Since treatment ended, I have found many things that I have damaged over the years but never noticed until my liver was able to be, well, my liver! No point in moaning but the facts are my arthritis is bad, spreading, my shoulder keeps freezing and clicking and I wont bore you with the rest. Too much typing. So, This Is The Plan, made by Them, not me, the government, not my doctor. My current meds are not the cheapest I could take for the pain I am in so I know, lets take her off one opiod and give her opiates. Matters not that she will go through withdrawals as the two cannot overlap for they will cross contaminate one another. Just get her of that database. It is all about the numbers. When you are given certain meds under certain circumstances, you become registered on a database. The Orion Database, well, was a few years back and THAT is where they get the addiction statistics from so the lower, the better. CODEINE IS MADLY ADDICTIVE AND THEY WANT ME ON THAT! Madness! Utter Madness but nothing I can do but dance their dance. Peace x
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 00:11:46 +0000

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