This i conclude, that it doesnt matter hw many verse u quote in - TopicsExpress


This i conclude, that it doesnt matter hw many verse u quote in the Bible bt if u cant live by it 4get about it as well 4 we can nt continue like this just casual everything is bythe way. we dont hv a choice bt 2 try & Live the word of God bcoz its a living nt just Spoken or written bt a Living n eternal word of God.Though 4 ua reason u may nt respect the messager bt fail nt 2respect the message which is the WORD of God. Now i insist u hv 2 live by it,2 b blessed,Delivered,favoured,Graced,2 hv mercy,peace n Power frm the word of God.4its New every morning 2day let raise up ready 2harken n 2obey his Word, Do not b among the number that urgue n spend time seeking opinion of men as 2 what is right or wrong n more so frm Nonbelievers who do nt even acknowledge ua faith bt always seek the Word of truth 4 Obedient is better than sacrifice.u hv sacrificed alot 2get blessings bt hv obeyed very little.Leo usifanye moyo wako kuwa mgumu tena,u know uaself better,u know u r saved bt r very ,stubborn,rude,liar,hatred,untrustworthy,full of very -ve attitudes, bitterness,jealousy,Gossip e.t.c, Am sori 2say these r nt canditates of Heaven why lie,bt unfortunately r the majority.So why get saved if u r nt interested with Heaven? Repent 2day Bro n Sis 4 its nt time 2 joke, 4 Nobody knows the hour or day. Come back 2the father listen his voice once again n he will restore n direct u in JESUS NAME. AMEN
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 21:35:45 +0000

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