This is a COPY of what I sent ţo fb! NjoY! Fb help~ - TopicsExpress


This is a COPY of what I sent ţo fb! NjoY! Fb help~ COMPLAINT! + SUGGESTION ! When someone initiates a conversation w Më, why is it, Im NØT granted PERMISSION to reply? *if I dont have YOUR permission to REPLY to someone, I SUGGEST, yÖü FACEBOOK DICTATING CONTROL·FR€AKS nØt send Their INITIATING chat dialog TO me, thereby saVing me the AGGRAVATION & GRIEF of then getting caught up in YOUR fkd uP DRAMA whereby YÖU PENALIZE Më by suspension of mŸ various PRIVILEGES! *AnÖther thing~ YOU ASS·Wipes have ACCESS to my CONTACTS in my phone, thereby, YOU should KNÖW by mŸ having their name address ph#etc, THEY are alREADY a PERSONAL FRIEND, SOoooo, why ïZ ÏT, YOU KILL the FriendMëRequest I sent, (or attempted to send), and hit me w a p0p-uP stating: [ “my/Your request was not delivered~ you do NØt have PERMISSION to friend ThiS person!“], . . . QUESTION: WhyTF NØT! I TRULY BeliëVë, when YOU fb dweebs DENY ANY Action, YOU should HAVE the Courtesy & CONSIDERATION, @LEAST, to offer an EXPLANATION for your Action(or lack there of)! It Šëëms ONLY logical, thusly (& most likely), the offense wont be REPEATED! *there have been many times, where I have received a FriendMëRequest from someone, which YöUv so eloquently delivered to Më, and given me the opportunity to choose, DECLINE or ACCEPT, . . . And I alwÄys gladly ACCEPT, only to immediately recv a p0p-uP stating Im not allowed to FRIEND ŢħÎş person either! WTF??? And WHY the taunting? Are your computers filters slow to detect? Are your programmers a bit slow in the HEAD!? Do you NØT hire ÏT s??? Do you retain disgruntled employees that are ATTEMPTING to drive your users to Google+, . . Btw, Im AlREADY there, and I COULD quit one or the other@ ANY tÏme! Both EVEN! .......... Did I dÕÔ something to warrant this bizÄrre, cruel, and unusual treatment? Id ReaLLLy love to KnÖ0Oooooow! ReaLLLy! *YOU need to CONSIDER my thoughtful suggestion, and RE·Consider your parameters, and HOPEFULLY reset THEM to appease your USERS experience, so that THEy/WE may have an enJOYable experience while on your SOCIAL site! YöU TOO, should consider BE·ing social, INSTEAD of ANTỊ·social! After ALL, you ARE the HOST of the party! Act like one! *Note: The action of your CEO/fb·creator Mr. MarkzSUCKENBOOGERBERG, (whÕm alREADY has TØØ much money!), in my opinion, has shown his SCANDALOUS GREED and lack of RESPECT towards his site·using·patrons when he brainstormed the “DEAL“ he struck w the NSA, offering his “Patrons PERSONAL and PRIVATE Nfo & Profile DATA, including complete histories of ALL POSTS & PRIVATE Chat conversation strings & FRIENDs lists for allegedly ¾ of a BILLION dollar$, and THEy of course TOOK the DEAL and GLADLY PAID Ït! (BE·ing as OBSESSED as they ARE to CreÅte the Largest & mÖst comprehensive gathering (of illegally acquired/w oUt justifiable cause(suspicious activity by known or possibly believed to be, would·be terrorists of the Govt of the USA whom COULD pose a threat to National Security!) by targeting every single Human·BEing on ThiS PLANET whom possesses or has used an electronic·communications·device by ILL€GALLY·Ïntercepting/eavesdropping/recording/copying/searching·keywords/capturing·PersonalContacts·lists/cross·referencing·All·contact·lists·To·creat·Lists·of· MUTUAL·friends·in·commonality/capturing·device·USERS·Image/tracking·GPS·movement·via·GeoWayPoints/collating·All·Nfo/feeding that Nfo thru various algorithms programs & misc. possibly·feasible speculated·scenarios in an ATTEMPT to foretell the future, in an effort to be able to circumvent any incident prior to it being perpetrated! Then it ïZ all filed and saved, and THEy arent able to keep up with the demand for additional storage facilities capable of storing all these millions upon millions of trillabytes of Nfo, EVEN w the HELP of BigGoo!, (and Googles long~kept “WTF is BigGoo building in the Ship“, SECRET, utilizing OFF~shore anchored digital storage facility! It is SPECULATED, this gargantuan undertaking of information gathering, and created dossier stockpiling, is NØT ACTUALLY to intercede any proposed terrorist threat activity! The New·wØrld·Order wants the Nfo to better CONTROL the wØrlds population when it tries to implement is twisted plan! ÏT is NOW common knÖwlëdge whÕm the REAL terrorists ARE! The OVERLY Wealthy GREEDY ElÏtes, the wØrlds glØballistic BANGKSTERS/the d€m`Ö´nic PuppetMasters whom OWN/CONTROL ALL the monies and govt heads(the Bïg puppets whom ACT as Ïf THEY are in Control, but in actuality, they are MERELY the facade of the ElÏtus! The ElÏtes are the Supreme DICTATORs, holders of mÖst of ÖüR mortgages! Our cars! Our jobs! The places where we work! Which they COULD close Tomoro, and send our jobs to the RED Chinese, which Theyv DONE quite aLOT in my country, the US! THEY, having the upper hand, feel they OWN ÖüR ASSes, but they DØNT! THEY only CONTROL what our ASSes have the OPPORTUNITY to dÕÔ, or nØt! By moving the opportunities oUt of our REACH!) of the wØrld the(since the advent of the INTERNET, the PEOPLES LINK and Ønlÿ HOPE to CONNECT with one anÖther and BAND toGETHER in SÖLÏÐÄRÏTŸ, giving US the tool needed and the means to OPPORTUNITY, and HOPEFULLY whÕm the REAL terrorists ARE! Since ÖüR corrupt Govts have been PLAYING ALL of us ŠhhhËËPLë as fÓÒls for mAnY years (by cr€Ãting, training, arming, paying, pointing and pushing, so called terrorists groups, TO CreÅte TERROR so the, (Im embarrassed to say) the American Govt along w allied cohorts, (British AND oTHĚrs) CAN ACT THE PART, of the Knights in ShÎny Armourwho will FIGHT those BAD guys and EVENTUALLY, . . . . maybe, . bring the BASTARDs to justice and make them PAY for by “Their Wrőng·DOings“ done to the peoples of the wØrld! Öhhh mŸ! the ŠhhhËËPLës SAVIORS, as it were, who WE the HELPLESS þëëþs, eer ŠhhhËËPLë of the wØrld, so THEY will BE FEARFUL, SOoooo the keeping the WØØL thick and HEAVY over ÖüR ëyës, and ÖüR Åttentions distrÄctëd by WELL·THOUGHT·Out,
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 00:06:51 +0000

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