This is a bit of a read... but I found it quite interesting. Its - TopicsExpress


This is a bit of a read... but I found it quite interesting. Its from a newsletter so its not me who penned it, but it is worth the read> The End Game: Ive often wondered why so many fixable problems in this country, arent getting fixed. Im not the most intelligent man in the world, but even I can see the prudence in securing our borders. Even I can see the wisdom in not spending more than you take in. Even I can realize that if one group of people is constantly attacking me, you focus your attention on that group of people. Instead, we live in an era of multiculturalism and ecumenicalism, where we apply full body searches to the elderly, the infirmed, and those too young to even know what terrorism an effort to be viewed as politically correct, err....I mean, fair. So are our political leaders incompetent, or just deceptive? Granted, I still believe there are some decent Congressmen and women, as well as Senators who really still want to do the right thing. But they are vastly outnumbered and out powered by the career politicians and socialists masquerading as Americans who care more about their agenda, then they do our country. It is to the latter group who I think are just the figure-heads, who like marionettes, dance and put on a good show as if they are really accomplishing something. But who is pulling their strings? The Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve in reality, is a cartel of bankers who are only interested in one thing... self-preservation. They arent in it for the American people, they are in it to make a profit. Surely they, of all people, understand that the more you make of something, the less its worth. But again, there is an ulterior motive at work here not openly discussed by them. But one need only apply some common sense to figure this riddle out. So far, weve had three Quantitative Easings (QE) in recent years, in which trillions of dollars was printed out of thin air. Where did all that money go? To other banks of course. We have what is known as a fiat currency, meaning, its not backed by anything. It would be just like using Monopoly money, if Monopoly money were given artificial value to purchase things. It has value because we say it has value, and that is about it. Well, that is not entirely true. We made a deal with OPEC back in the 1970s in which we promised not to produce any of our own oil, and only buy oil from them (OPEC)...IF they made all their future deals in US currency. So, for the last 40 years or so, if you wanted to buy oil from OPEC, you had to use US Dollars, which meant, you had to have US Dollars as a Reserve currency. But what happens when no one wants to use our currency anymore? First, to recap: If your country is in debt to the tune of 17 Trillion dollars, you should: A) Raise taxes and keep spending like a drunken Sailor? B) Keep taxes and spending where they are, but keep raising the debt ceiling? C) Quit spending what you dont have, lower taxes, live within your means, make the US business friendly which will bring jobs back, which lowers unemployment and boosts economy? D) Keep printing money until the system crashes, then hit reset button and go to a new currency? E) A, B, & D? Which one do you think we are doing? Print Baby Print Here is another point to consider. Back in 2008, McCain and Palin wowed the crowds with drill baby drill and that we were going to quit sending our money to people who dont like us very much. But think that through for a moment. If the only thing keeping our currency afloat is the global demand for it is generated by OPEC mandates, and we quit buying oil from them, what do you think will happen to the US Dollar? Why do you think Obama shot down the Keystone Pipeline? Why do you think George W. never invested in building up our own oil production infrastructure...or Clinton, or George H.W., etc? The truth is, weve been bent over a barrel more literally than figuratively for decades now and Washington D.C. is now realizing that the gig is up. We can shuffle things around and raise the debt ceiling, but really, we are just kicking the proverbial can down the road. Only problem is, were running out of road. That is why the; IRS, DHS, NASA, DIA, CIA, FBI, NSA, EPA, FEMA and on and on are buying trillions of bullets, armored cars, FEMA camps, coffins, etc. like they are gearing up for Armageddon. They know that things are about to go south, quick. They just dont know exactly when. Its why Obama Care doesnt really make anything better, because if you really wanted to fix things, youd add more health care providers to the system, not rearrange your insurance. The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is just one gigantic information collection scheme meant to get everyones info, which is why its enforced by the IRS. Its designed to get everyone on the grid, so that there is nowhere to hide. Its why all the cronys are exempt from it, because the government already have them in their pocket. If you just look at all the current lunacy going on with the shut-down, debt-ceiling, Sequestration, Obamacare, etc., and then apply the knowledge that its because the people in the know already know how this is going to end, youd realize theyre stacking the deck in their favor for when it does happen. You can be sure they dont want to be out of office when that time comes. This is their end-game when the collapse comes. Better to be the one who is still making the rules, then the one being ruled. Oh, and when that day comes, believe me, the Hegelian Dialectic process is going to play out full-bore. Historical The Progressive Globalists of the late 19th and early 20th centuries realized that the American people would never, ever give up their Constitutional rights willingly. So you have to do three things to wean the people off their Constitution: 1) Distract people 2) Dumb the people down 3) Whittle away at the Constitution until it resembles Swiss cheese. These Progressives (Socialists) just apply Mr. Hegels approach of creating problems, or situations and then wait for the problem to fester until the people clamor for something to be done. Enter the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve then does two things: first it undermines Congresss Constitutionally mandated duty of controlling the coining and printing of money, and you hand that over to a bunch of privately owned banks; secondly, you manipulate the markets so that you create economic instability (and add inflation, the hidden tax) and make yourself rich all the while pretending youre working for the little people. Consider these thoughts: The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, and more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces as public enemies all who question its methods or throw light upon its crimes. I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and the bankers in the rear. Of the two, the one at my rear is my greatest foe. -President Abraham Lincoln Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce. -President James A. Garfield It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. -Henry Ford We have, in this country, one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board. This evil institution has impoverished the people of the United States and has practically bankrupted our government. It has done this through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it. -Congressman Louis T. McFadden in 1932 Most Americans have no real understanding of the operation of the international money lenders. The accounts of the Federal Reserve System have never been audited. It operates outside the control of Congress and manipulates the credit of the United States. -Sen. Barry Goldwater The Federal Reserve bankers are the true puppet-masters pulling the political strings of both parties in Washington D.C. They have all the money, and they control the stock market, economy, debt, and basically everything the US has become dependent upon in the last 100 years. There is no intent to ever repay the trillions we owe in debt. They know, that even if you taxed every man, woman, and child at a rate of 100%, we still couldnt pay our bills off. What I mentioned earlier in the brief about living within our means, not spending money we dont have, etc...wouldnt have paid our bills off, but it would have bought us some more time. Assessment The time will come when America will be faced with an almost impossible choice to consider. (This would be where you apply the Hegelian Dialectic). Our financial dilemma is the Thesis. The peoples reaction to the crisis is the Antithesis. They vote, they want hope and change, and that is exactly what they will get. So here are your choices (or Synthesis) Option 1 will be that we embrace severe austerity measures (think PIIGS on steroids). Severe austerity measures would include cutting Social Security, Welfare, MEDICARE, Military retirements or Federal benefits of almost any kind. Taxes would be raised at least 50% from their current rates. Option 2 would be; you keep your standard of living, but we go to a new digital, regional or global type currency that we no longer controlled. [See President Garfields quote] Which do you think Americans today would choose? When that day comes, you can bet that Americans today will find the least painful option out of this pre-designed crisis. There hasnt been another period of time in mankinds history, where there existed the technology to literally control all the buying and selling in the world, that is, not until today. Just like the US Dollar is the standard in which all other currencies are measured by, so too will this new one be, whatever form it ends up being. You can bet that this new currency will be designed in
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 15:15:16 +0000

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