This is a good article for showing how the corporations involved - TopicsExpress


This is a good article for showing how the corporations involved in the Reagan/Clinton education reform in the late 1980s and early 1990s are the same players in this education reform for the same reasons. Notice as well all of this for-profit education policy and the massive for-profit education frauds of last decade come from the San Francisco area with good old neo-liberals in charge. Hello Nancy Pelosi-----scoring more insider trading lately? The Reagan/Clinton education reform was about breaking up and dismantling the #1 ranked public education in the world----California. I imagine Pelosi went out there from Baltimore just for a piece of this action. That reform took text books from classrooms because they stifled creativity and they directed teachers to allow calculators in math class even for new math students. All people would have to do is push a button said those education privatizers! Everyone knows the result----students graduating not able to read or do math. Who got rich with this first education privatization? Stanford was the source of all the new education group learning lessons teachers were now to use as well as the testing to see how students progressed with those lessons-----Stanford was patenting back then and this private conservative university was made rich from public school requirements for those education lessons and tests. Then, it was Hewlett-Packards turn----they became rich from all of the calculator sales to schools across the country now required to use them in classrooms. This was the Reagan/Clinton education reform that took the US from #1 ranking in the world---to second world students not able to read or do math. Fast-forward today to the same players-----this time Hewlett is a Foundation hiding all of its riches from the last education reform in a tax free haven while funding this round of education privatization. Stanford is in there again as the Common Core and Race to the Top testing provider-----patenting those yet again to bring riches from this education reform that will take US students from a broad democratic equal opportunity nation to a vocational K-career college with online lessons. The new player is Bill Gates and Microsoft taking Hewlett-Packards place as the industry enriched -----computers in every classroom and laptops and tablets galore for all day online lessons. WOW----THE PRIVATIZATION NEVER ENDS WITH CLINTON NEO-LIBERALS. This time they tag-teamed with the Republicans in Race to the Top and pushing charters and Teach for America to get rid of the actual public school buildings and teachers unions----pushing to poverty and cheap education delivery. THAT IS WHAT OBAMA AND CONGRESSIONAL NEO-LIBERALS HAD AS A GOAL WHEN THEY PASSED AND PUSHED RACE TO THE TOP. WHO SUPPORTED RACE TO THE TOP? Labor and Justice faces were put out in front====
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 20:30:40 +0000

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