This is a petition that needs your support. Way too many Veterans - TopicsExpress


This is a petition that needs your support. Way too many Veterans are getting jerked around by the Social Security Administration when it comes to a disability claim. Your signature will help bring this situation to the attention of the current Administration and require a response. Please do your part for those who have done so much for this country and all that it stands for. Each of us owe The Veteran our support. Read the below info that I received and please do this to help pay back our debt to those who offered everything. Dear friends, Every time I go to the Wilkes-Barre VA hospital I see and hear from our Veterans about this ongoing problem. So I decided as a Disabled Veteran myself, with some computer ability, to try this approach to fixing this problem. Please look it over and pass it along to as many of your freinds as possible. Thanks. I wanted to let you know about a new petition I created on We the People, a new feature on, and ask for your support. Will you add your name to mine? If this petition gets 100,000 signatures by February 28, 2014, the White House will review it and respond! We the People allows anyone to create and sign petitions asking the Obama Administration to take action on a range of issues. If a petition gets enough support, the Obama Administration will issue an official response. You can view and sign the petition here: Heres some more information about this petition: Veterans rated Unemployable by the Veterans Administration should automatically quallify for Social Security Disability. Veterans who are rated as unemployable are being denied their Social Security Disability benefits with unfounded reasoning and logic. Some of the reasons include : they dont trust the creditability of the VA Doctors or treating Physicians, credibality of the veteran and they choose to ignore all forms of VA documentation. Instead they choose to make their own physical assessments without even physically examining the Veteran and base their opinion solely upon that. Veterans follow the treating physicians orders but according to the Social Security they are wrong. Both of these Federal Agencies need to be on the same set of guidelines its only fair to the veterans who have already given so much. They should not have to pay lawyers to fight for their Social Security Disability Benefits
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 03:16:05 +0000

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