This is an excellent article that really gives context to the - TopicsExpress


This is an excellent article that really gives context to the complexity of addressing global health problems. Solutions can seem so simple - malaria comes from mosquitoes, so distribute insecticide-treated mosquito nets. But, its just not that simple. In food insecure fishing communities, using these nets is cheaper than buying real fishing nets that cost $50 - thats a lot of money for people that live in these areas. Yet, then, there is the huge environmental risk this causes, both through the introduction of toxic chemicals into the water and the fact that net catches small, not fully matured fish, affecting future stocks. Killing off fish and reducing their populations doesnt solve the food problem in the long-run. Yet, try telling people trying to feed their families that. In fact, the issue has led to great division and violence in these communities. So, whats the solution? Its hard to say. Reducing poverty and food insecurity would certainly help, but we all know how complex that is. Anyway, THIS is really good example of why I left basic biomedical research, even if those activities DO eventually contribute to global health achievements. Solving global health problems is so multi-dimensional and one solution from one field can cause a problem elsewhere or fails to address the root problem. Health has to be addressed in its greater context. Biomedical science and technology solves a lot of problems, but it has to be applied appropriately. nytimes/2015/01/25/world/africa/mosquito-nets-for-malaria-spawn-new-epidemic-overfishing.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&module=photo-spot-region®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=1
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 03:03:11 +0000

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