This is dedicated to a lot of my friends and family who are - TopicsExpress


This is dedicated to a lot of my friends and family who are grieving for personal reasons at this time............ Time has passed, the Wheel has turned. It is time for them to move on. They will walk hand in hand with the Lord and Lady and with their ancestors who came before them. Great Mother, welcome them back into your womb. And Great Father welcome them back into your divine instruction. Let them come to you and know that they have been blessed by your gracious gift of Life. Let them come into your Divine Love, and let them know that they have left behind a life of legacy, that they shall be remembered and loved. As they enter your world, wrap them in your loving arms, and welcome them back home. Let them speak to the Ancient Ones to learn the greater mysteries that lie beyond the veil. Give them the strength to take these final steps, and allow them to do so with peace and dignity. Those of us left behind shall indeed mourn their death, but we shall also know that their Soul and Spirit is coming back to Holy Mother and Holy Father, and that they shall be made whole again. We shall cry, but we shall also laugh, for we shall celebrate the Life that had been given to them And let them also know that as we now merry part, that we shall also merry meet again. And we now, with lighted candles we respect the flame of their life, and though the candle flames shall die out, we know that they shall live on, and their flame shall never cease to burn, and we also know that they shall be reborn anew. Take them by the hand and guide them back into your heart, for this is what is right and just. Let them walk unerringly down the path that leads to your Love. This is our will and so mote it be. Blessed be
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 04:04:58 +0000

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