This is dedicated to all the youth in America today. I - TopicsExpress


This is dedicated to all the youth in America today. I personally know many children , or what I would call children compared to me, as they are between the ages of 18 and doing life in prison. Those are the lucky ones, as the others are dead. I am now 50 years old. I have been to hell and back, and have survived many things a man is not supposed to survive. Youth of America....This is your time to make it........the very beginning of a persons life where you will get many chances for success, and many chances to correct your wrongs. Some of course will still choose to throw it all away though. Dont,......nothing is worth it, no one is worth it, and no one cares in the end, and no one will continue to visit you in prison forever......and many will not even remember your grave.....sometimes not even your own family. This life is yours, make the best of it, and live everyday being the best you can be....not only to yourself, but to others as well......and you will do well. No matter what you think now. Also if you can believe, trust in God, believe in Christ. If you cannot believe, at least remember the golden rule,...... Do unto others as you would like for them to do unto you.....Love thy neighbor .......or at least try. Do good things for someone other than yourself sometimes. Think about what you would like to do in life, and never loose sight of that. It is attainable just takes time, and patience. Its better to spend the time and patience a free man, or a free woman. You will have to spend time and patience one place or another. It might as well be on the outside of prisons, and jail. You will eventually have to listen to someone, it may as well be someone good. Or at least someone who knows better. What ever you chose to do in life, as long as you set your mind to it, put in your dues to obtain it, and you can succeed in anything. God bless you all!!!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 00:33:17 +0000

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