This is for anyone that does not understand ho these thigns work. - TopicsExpress


This is for anyone that does not understand ho these thigns work. This is a quick run down and it is also how it is today due to me first hand experiencing the ACA! Keep in mind INSURANCE IS GAMBLING! You are betting you will get sick and the insurance company is betting that you wont. The odds are more in favor of you getting sick so your bet is going to win because you will need a doctor they are jsut hoping you dont need one a lot if at all for a long time. Affordable Care Act.. ever you want to describe it here is now my experience with it.... Cindy quit her job in October and we no longer had health insurance so we ventured out to buy it on our own out of pocket. I have done it before so I had a lot of contacts and information on where to go and how to do it. NOW under teh ACA you cannot buy insurance outside of the exchanges. We called Sanford as well as BC/BS and you have to go through the marketplace online to be able to purchase insurance. Prior to now an insurance agent gets paid commissions on the policies he writes and carries in a portfolio. The more policies teh more money he or she makes. Their income is paid from the money you pay for your policy. An agent would have to go out and drum up business and find people to sign up on a policy. You pay your premiums and go to the doctor.... You pay some and your insurance company pays some of the bill to the doctor or hospital. Some have deals where they are exclusive HMO/ Or PPO preferred doctors that make deals with insurance companies to get their customers business. The hospital gets paid from premium payments you make. The insurance companies make money from your premiums and investing to get return in order to pay the medical claims. Those lucky enough to have policies issued through their work the employer pays portions of the premiums and portions of the medical bills as well as the insurance companies. We sat with teh BC/BS agent in his office as he walked us through the website and fille in the blocks. After all we were his client and he would get paid commissions on our business so it benefits him to help us. Through the entire process he kept telling us he was going to tell us how much we get at teh end. I kept telling him we are not GETTING anything that we are going to be paying something. He kept saying it through this process though. In the end he is joyous and tells us that we GET 548 dollars BUT we have to pay 272 dollars a month for insurance. For those of you that do not understand let me explain. The government is going to pay 548 dollars of our insurance premium due to our income ( i will explain that later) BUT the government will pay that for us to blue cross blue shield. That 548 dollars is suppose to be paid for by someone else that pays a higher premium in to obamacare and the taxpayers of America.............THATS YOU!......Out of your money you will be paying some of my insurance as well as my agents commission for writing this policy, As well as a portion of my medical bills through the program. THANK YOU GUYS! No matter what there will never be enough money to pay these agents nor will there ever be enough to pay the insurance company enough to pay for the medical bills. SOOO in teh affordable care act there is a clause for an insurance company BAILOUT just like the banker bailouts. So every agent will still get paid as well as teh insurance companies through you the taxpayer when they all claim bankruptcy and get their bailout. YAY!!!!!!!! You lose and they win jsut like the bankers did in their bailouts! YOU PAY THEM AGAIN! These insurance companies will not be able to sustain a viable business under these circumstances and the nation will be forced into what is called single payer insurance.....IE: GOVERNMENT PROVIDED INSURANCE such as in europe and socialist countries as well as Canada. The government will be in total control of health care. NOWWWW THE KICKER!!!!!!!!!! Why is teh IRS in cahrge of all this? Not as a colllection agency! They are in charge of all this to make sure your not cheating on your taxes to get a larger kick back to your health insurance premiums! So when you file your taxes they will see how much you make and be able to determine how much of a tax break you get for your insurance! All of those people that cheat on their taxes will be caught. Now I do not cheat I follw the tax code to the letter of the law. They tell me what I can write off as a deduction and it lowers my overall income to be an adjusted gross income which they figure your rebate or lower premium or how much they will pay for me on my insurance. IF I drop below 19,000 income I would be put on medicaid and be required to pay all that money back to the government that they paid toward my premium. IF I go above that I will still owe them for some of the kickback but not all of it.So in other words I do not want to get any better so I still have teh lower insurance premium. Why would I work harder to earn more money? So I can pay more i nhealth insurance? HA! I DONT THINK SO! See there is no benefit in bettering yourself now so you get taxed more? I dont think so! Now please tell me how a program such as this is sustainable!? IF you voted for this program and these politicians for this program YOU AREA A PART OF TEH PROBLEM! It may seem liek it helps you right now, BUT, it wil lgo broke and you will be screwed as well as everyone else. Thank you!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 03:52:00 +0000

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