This is from my dear friend JoAnn Snodgrass Alice Linahan, - TopicsExpress


This is from my dear friend JoAnn Snodgrass Alice Linahan, Donna Garner, and Becca Forest pull a card from the democratic playbook Ken Paxton has been both my rep and my state senator, and I find him to be a constitutional conservative, as well as a courageous, honest, and principled man. I hope and pray you will not be taken in by any of this one sided view which Donna, Alice, and Rebecca have presented. This view is just because Ken did not run to their side and do everything and say everything they wanted him to do and say like Barry Smitherman did on CSCOPE and Common Core. Barry did this out of need for a cause in order to get noticed, I believe. I, too, am interested in the education of our children because as a retired conservative teacher who never joined the horrible NEA because of their leftwing views, and who worked against type two education, I still realize that an attorney general has to be most of all an honest, principled, person who will work for all the people and represent the state of Texas, not one groups personal views. While I am on this subject, I am tired of listening to Rebecca on Women on the Wall whining about how hard the tea parties worked for Ken, and then he backed down. She whines about how disappointed she was, so I guess this is her payback for being disappointed. Everyone was disappointed, but we knew who to blame, Straus the Louse. She and the other two need to get their facts straight, and understand the real circumstances. Im sure she has noticed that most of those tea parties she is talking about understood the situation and are now approving, endorsing, and/or are supporting Ken. This is partly because they believe in Ken and partly because they know that the other real choice because of his enormous amounts of TV advertising (probably with Straus backed money), Dan Branch is the real opposition, and conservatives dont want a Straus man. Low information voters will be taken in by Branchs ads so this will be the real fight because he is spending millions on ads. I only pray that Rebecca, etc. do not cause a run off between Ken and Dan (the two leaders in the polls) because if they do it will cost all the tea parties and conservatives lots and lots of money to help Ken win against a true Straus backed man. Rebecca and everyone knew even going into Kens try for speaker that it was not going to be won the first time because there were too many things against Ken. He got into the game late. He was the first to fight Straus who had already paid off with favors, campaign donations, and many other ways enough legislators and candidates who had signed pledges to him that there was no way Ken could win and we all knew it. (This is why Leo Berman in the end just couldnt stand it, and felt he had to call for a record vote on Straus because of his problems with him. Otherwise, the 14-16 wouldnt have felt like they had to stand and vote against Straus.) This was the beginning of a longer fight, and we all knew it or should have known it. The fact that Ken would even stand against Straus to start with showed extreme courage because he knew if he lost, his fate was sealed for all future time under Straus. The fact that after being hit in the face two hours before the vote, with Wayne Chissum and his whole group backing down in a press conference which Ken had known nothing about until it happened was horrible for Ken. Cindy and I met Ken in the hall right after that press conference, and we saw first hand how it devastated Ken. That was enough to make the toughest of men reconsider his stand not for himself, but in hopes of letting off the hook those brave 14-16 who were still standing with him. He conferred with some conservative leaders, and their advice was not to push for a vote if he thought it would make it worse for those who were standing with him. Remember, he had already lost the vote in the Republican caucus the day before because they ended up taking an open vote instead of a secret ballot after which Chissums group evidently had visits from Strauss people, and got scared off. Chissums press conference at the last minute the next day seems like a Straus initiated tactic to me. People, remember this coming election will be the third try to beat Straus. Bryan Hughes and David Simpson tried it last time and didnt end up bringing it to a vote either for the same reason, but this does not make them cowards. We pray that the third time is the charm! Hopefully, by starting early to pray and by working hard, Scott Turner can win this time. Remember this time, Scott will have no signed pledge cards against him as thanks to Kens fight those ended We did win against that horrible practice because Ken selflessly did take a stand and start the fight against Straus. It will always be almost impossible to beat Straus in a regular floor vote. We need to push for our legislature to be like the U.S. Legislature where the Speaker of the House is chosen by the majority party in the house, and it needs to be done in caucus by secret ballot. Rebecca, Alice, and Donna have made every small thing (even untrue things) they can think of about Ken seem monstrous, and yet have tried to hide Barry Smithermans faults. I think I heard Barry say at a forum that he had been an actual prosecutor in Houston for 15 months handling mainly misdemeanor cases, and that he didnt become a lawyer until he was 40 so he couldnt have been a prosecutor for years. As far as his work with the PUC and RR Commission are concerned, I personally worked against his last election because with all the groups fighting the smart meters, the word was that Smitherman went with the federal government flow, brought the smart meters in and was for them at the start. He didnt fight against smart meters even after all the fuss about them like he said he did and would. We still have to fight and pay to get rid of our smart meters. As far as suing the feds, Greg Abbott sued the feds and he has sued the feds 33 times. Barry simply added his name to the lawsuits Abbott brought against the feds like Perry and the rest of them did. I wasnt there, but I have my doubts as to whether Barry actually prosecuted any of those in court. A TAG does not have to be a great prosecutor like Ted Cruz was for Greg Abbott when he was the solicitor general to the Supreme Court from the state of Texas. What we need as a TAG is knowledgeable person who knows the constitutions, Texas and U.S., and who will fight to support our state against the federal government. Ken will do that. Ted Cruz is supporting Ken Paxton because he knows the quality of his character, and because he knows Ken, like Ted, will fight to the end for what is right for our state. Signed, Joann Snodgrass
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 06:19:42 +0000

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