This is going to be an amazing ROAK that happened to me yesterday, - TopicsExpress


This is going to be an amazing ROAK that happened to me yesterday, I own 4 rescue kittys. And yesterday my Tuxedo cat Norton 4yrs.old appeared not well and would cry out in pain ,I suspected a UTI and being not employed and Only SS from my ex. I had no funds and no way to borrow.I went on a group page called Just Cat Things asking if anyone knew of a homeopathic medicine that would be safe to use on my cat as of my financial situation. in a sort time I was given over 100 ideas,prayers and places to try .But one Angel Doris Holt pm me and asked for my vets name and phone number, then called me back to say to take him right in ,for she had given her credit card number to pay the vet and they were to call her back after the vet discovered what was wrong , It was a very bad UTI he was totally blocked and his bladder would not hold anymore. He needed to be catheterized immediately and would have to be put to sleep and put on IVs and IV antibiotics for 3 days ! When the vet assistant came back in to prep Norton ,I was handed the bill as I gasped of the amount my eyes glanced further down and saw the balance O Doris Holt had arranged to pay the whole bill including the 3 days of procedure and care !!! When I spoke with her a bit later not only to thank her but to ask why she did this wonderful blessing and she said she heard my desperate cry for my cat and it was given in memory of her cat Clarence (the bill was just shy of $1000.00) she lives in Virginia I am still in awe and shock as never has anyone done such a beautiful unselfish thing as Doris has , when I think about it it makes me cry with relief and happiness and I told her if she wouldnt accept payments back from me she can be sure I will pay it forward in her name..Thank You one and all
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 05:47:22 +0000

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