This is going to be long. So this week has very much felt like a - TopicsExpress


This is going to be long. So this week has very much felt like a roller coaster, with the ever changing theme song of my life bouncing from the highest highs to the lowest lows. (Its a strong possibility that my severe lack of sleep has influenced this) But I have experienced two grand acts of kindness, that have both left me feeling that all is not lost in this world, or soured in my heart. I first want to thank my dear friends, Aaron and Lauren Marks, and thier dear friends, for thier gracious gift of new tires, and some time in a shop, for my car. Thier thoughtfulness, compassion, warm hearts, and desire to help others, is what sets them and thier local practice apart from the rest. The next person I would like to thank, came into my work last night and made my night with his completely random act of kindness. This person asked not to be recognized, but that would be unjust, and frankly Im shocked this happened to me. Last night, Patrol Sergeant Steve Clopp, with the Monroe Police Department, came in for what was soon to be learned, his favorite treat, a super large slurpee. Amongst other banter, he jokingly asked how I got stuck working a terrible shift like graveyard, and to him I responded that I asked for this shift, and as a single mother, it was easier child care wise. He then asked when in the world I sleep, and I told him I sleep when my girl is at school, he exclaimed that I looked tired, and started moving to the register. I rang him out, handed him his change, and wished for him an uneventful eve. I now had three customers in line, and proceeded to cash them out and send them on thier way. The third left, and drove away, and not 45 seconds later, the police officers car comes flying into the parking lot. I think for a split second that I did something wrong or he was on the chase. But he gets out of the car and upon coming in, heads to the register where I stand, now wondering if hes lost something, and he asks me a question that I didnt expect; he asked how many I am a mother to. I told him I had a six year old daughter, and joked that she was more than enough. He then does something that I have only seen in videos, and pulls a wallet from his back pocket. He pulls out 100 dollars, and says that he would like to help with the holidays. I was in shock. I politely refused, whilst my face flushed, my palms started to sweat and I tried to fight back the hot salty tears in my eyes. He insisted, and I thanked him, tears becoming harder to will away, telling him that he had no idea how much he had just done. He left after saying that he didnt do it to be noticed for it, but to help someone who may need it.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 19:38:48 +0000

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