This is interesting. Was hearing about it on TV. At Supreme Court - TopicsExpress


This is interesting. Was hearing about it on TV. At Supreme Court level now : The US Supreme Court got an earful from Aereo in its response brief filed to the court on Wednesday. In the 100-page brief (pdf), Aereo, which streams over-the-air television programming with antenna/DVR technology, basically said it is not violating copyright law and major broadcasters should not be paid for the programming that it is facilitating. Under the Copyright Act, petitioners have no right to royalties at all for retransmissions of their content within the original broadcast market, Aereo wrote in the brief to the Supreme Court. This Court should not rewrite the Copyright Act in an effort to protect petitioners from lawful and logical advancements in technology or from the economic consequences of their transmitting works for free over the public airwaves. Aereo is hashing it out with major US broadcasters, including ABC, CBS (the parent company of CNET), Fox and NBC Universal. The legal back-and-forth has been going on for more than a year and finally reached the countrys highest court in January. The broadcasters argue that Aereos business model is built on pilfering the creative content of others without paying to distribute programming and therefore falls under copyright violation. Aereo maintains that its technology doesnt infringe on any copyrights since anyone is allowed to watch broadcast TV for free with an antenna. cbsnews/news/aereo-to-supreme-court-we-have-broken-no-law/.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 17:04:19 +0000

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