This is long, so dont waste your time reading it if you already - TopicsExpress


This is long, so dont waste your time reading it if you already have it all figured out... One of those journaling night. Read an amazing article that inspired me to write and share with you guys. After all, what good is being inspired if you dont share it with others, right? I love to share in case someone else needed to hear it like i did :) So, in the spirit of preparing for the new year and releasing what no longer serves you, here are 10 things to let go of before 2015. 1. Let go of thinking you arent where youre supposed to be. Everything youve done is leading you to exactly where youre meant to be. Getting there doesnt come without a little bravery though ;-) 2. Release all thought patterns holding you back. Its time to start telling yourself a more positive story. Remember, YOU are in charge of that story. Stop letting negative people alter the direction of your story! 3. Release the idea that your challenges are long-term. All setbacks are only temporary, but the lessons learned are forever. Choose to face that challenge with help (from community) and faith. You WILL come out the other end... You just have to continue moving to the other end. 4. Let go of the need to have it all figured out. What doesnt make sense yet will someday. Were not meant to have ALL the answers as babies. I think the same applies as we grow. The answers come with new experiences. If you have it all figured out, you cease to grow. And if you have it all figured out but youre still someplace you dont wish to be... well thats probably because you dont have it all figured out. :) 5. Let go of the idea that things arent working out for you. YOU are in control of what works and what doesnt. If something isnt working then ask yourself how do we fix it? What needs to change? Victims rarely ever come out on top until they choose to fight to be the victor. 6. Stop asking WHY this is happening to you. Instead ask what you can learn from the situation. Everything really does happen for a reason. The sooner you come to terms with that, the better. KEEP. MOVING. FORWARD. The only reason to ask why is because youre looking for the solution. Simply asking the question with no intentions of doing something about the answer will not change the need to continue to ask the question or move you away from the what thats happening. 7. Release the need to control the outcome. You may not get what you want when you want, but trust you will always get what you need when you work for it. You put in the work, the effort, the time, the prayer, and the heart... The rest you will have no control over. Patience is what is the lesson here. You play your part and others will play theres. You dont get to control how your part or anyone elses affects the outcome. You just have to accept and move... 8. Stop believing you are your mistakes. How do your mistakes affect you? Are you paralyzed with embarrassment or fear of being ostracized for them? If you and those around you cannot collectively grow from and support each other through those mistakes, then youre missing the point. Mistakes make us. Theyve made me. Although at times I wish I could burry my head in shame, I realize that (humbly) standing tall is the best thing you can do. Carry your mistakes as wisdom, they weigh MUCH less than a heavy burden. 9. Release the need to be right. Proving others wrong does not make you right. Ive struggled with this for a while. Right and wrong meant control at times. Ive learned to apologize when I dont need to (or at least feel I need to). To wear as many shoes as I can while Im alive.... And to stop expecting others to put themselves in my shoes. Instead, im figuring out how to focus inward and align with love. When you are confident in your own choices, you dont have to prove anything. 10. Let go of thinking its too late for you. NOW is the time to make a change! The reason your job owns YOU is because you think its too late. The reason your boss is miserable is because HE/SHE thinks its too late! The reason you hate to see your friends family or associates do better than you is because you think its too late. The reason your relationship with your children barely exists is because you think its too late. The reason other relationships suck is because you think its too late. Time is much more forgiving than we want to give it credit for. We look at time as the enemy when death is the enemy. We have way more time than we think. We just have to USE the time we have! Your dreams matter and they come to you for a reason. I really truly believe that we are inspired by and drawn to what was supposed to matter to us as people. What God (or whatever you want to refer to him as) had planned for you to be amazing at. It was placed there for a reason. I never thought I would be wrapping people for a living as a way to finance my families and friends dreams. But here I am, staring at tummies and watching my dreams get closer and closer to becoming reality. 2015 is going to be a year of letting go. Letting go of the old you, the mistakes, the negative, the fear, the guilt, EVERYTHING! And looking forward to the you you were meant to be. Stop saying IF ONLY... And for the love of God, STOP LISTENING TO THE PEOPLE WHO TELL YOU YOU CANT!!!! Find a way to get to there!
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 04:19:24 +0000

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