This is my article from the Weekender Herald... Everybody loves - TopicsExpress


This is my article from the Weekender Herald... Everybody loves pets right? I include myself in the animal lover camp. We own a dog that’s half kelpie and half bloody lunatic. She greets any new visitor like a long lost friend and we think she’s the best thing since the bread knife, but we know that she’s not everyone’s cup-of-tea. Home buyers can be put off by pets for many reasons; they may be nervous, fearful or inexperienced. They may really like cats, dogs, spiders or snakes, they just may not really like yours. They’ll probably think that yours bite or scratch more than theirs. (Hell is other people people’s pets!) The best thing to do, with regard to pets, to obtain the best price for your home, and you’re not going to like this, is get rid of little Tabitha or Gnasher for the duration of the marketing campaign. A little doggie holiday with Auntie Jean might be called for. Failing that, we’re going to have to work at getting all trace of the four-legged member of the family out of the house for the duration of open inspections… Clean, clean, and clean some more! –There are places where sellers have to declare if a pet has been kept in the house, thankfully not here, not yet. Remove the paraphernalia, -food and water bowls, litter trays (definitely little trays!) Toys, -even pictures of Tiddles, yes, even they have to go! Pick up the poo. –Please, pick it ALL up! Children at an open inspection have radar for any that you’ve missed! The hardest part of this is of course the smell. –It’s not easy being told that your house smells, even if it’s the reptile’s fault, but smell can get prospective buyers out of a house quicker than almost anything else. –If your agent hasn’t mentioned it, -ASK!
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 03:46:26 +0000

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