This is my review of Arrow Season 3 Episode 1 The Calm, the Season - TopicsExpress


This is my review of Arrow Season 3 Episode 1 The Calm, the Season 3 premiere. From what we see from the beginning of the episode, the Season 3 premiere, As The Arrow Oliver has caused crime to go to an all time low with the help of his new sidekick, Arsenal aka Roy Harper. Also he is celebrated by the public and the hunt for the Arrow has been disbanded thanks to Detective Lance who has now been promoted to Captain. Oliver thinks he can now settle down, so he asks Felicity out on a date. Unfortunately, it all goes sour because a man by the name of Werner Zytle, who has taken up the name of the Count fires a bazooka into the restaurant where Oliver and Felicity are having there first date. To make matters worse, the Count has created a new version of Vertigo that shows a persons worst fears. Olivers worst fear seems to be himself. He gets curbstomped when he sees the new Count as himself. We see a new bidder for the company, Ray Palmer and he seems to take an interest in Felicity. After the meeting at Queen Consolidated (where Palmer seemingly outshines Oliver) Oliver speaks with Felicity about his fight with the Count last night and how he fears just being Oliver Queen. Oliver and Roy go after the Count and his men when they put a bomb in a stadium where a boxing match takes place. Roy takes out the bomb by freezing it per Felicitys suggestion. We see Oliver stop the Count with the help of Sara Lance. She says people need others in their lives without masks. She speaks with her sister for a bit and before you know, a voice says, Come back Sara, and then she is hit 3 times in the gut with three arrows and falls to the ground. That was shocking and angering. It just feels like they killed off Sara for no reason. I was thinking (and hoping) that if they kill off Sara it would be later in the Season. They just wasted a perfectly great character. I just hope this death has some meaning to it beyond Laurel donning the cape. Im also going to wait till we next episode before I write off Sara as dead. I think this was to kick start the Seasons main theme. In the flashbacks, Oliver is in Hong Kong and he is trying to contact someone from home so he can return home. He soon learns he has to stay so that the family of Katana wont be killed by Amanda Waller or her people. All in all, I will give this premiere a 9.1 out of 10. I just hope that Sara is not dead and if she is I hope her death has some meaning beyond Laurel taking up the mantle. It is great to have Arrow back on TV.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 06:27:01 +0000

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