This is one of the best birthdays Ive had so far . I have MY time - TopicsExpress


This is one of the best birthdays Ive had so far . I have MY time to know what I like n its MY day n no one elses . In a world where EverybOdy has to be the Same . . Today . Makes . Me . Unique ^_^ I know my Mom knows the exact Minute and Second I was born which also means A Lot to me . . My birth was Very Important to some people , some people over the years have kind of Proved that it kind of faded away to them and that they dont care as much . Also theres a lil suprise celebrating it with me and all of my birthdays yet to come in my future (: And I Know I will be celebrating ALL of hers just like my Mother did for Me . I do Not want my Mother to feel any older as Im getting older but that Im just getting happier and that shes getting more fulfilled . Im finally able to be thankful because I am still continuing on my path // journey to righteousness and happiness and I can be happy for my family instead of hearing arguing all day on my bday . My Dad is n a restful place where I can enjoy it with him also instead of worrying about him drinking or getting killed or something . I am SO happy just to be of sound mind if anything just still wanting excellence and more , n more that ik I can get on my own rather than being given false hopes by people who will never try to fulfill them n make me happy . When just Anybody , Tells me * Happy Birthday , * It doesnt mean anything if I cant celebrate it with my Family . And also one day I would Love and Appreciate to visit GUam , lol still and will Always be stuck on that . I miss my family there too , you arent related for no reason . Plus I want to keep my enthusiasm in this world today . (: All I need is serenity and hopeful wishes by my family that ik is always hoping Im enjoying myself on my bday and all holidays . Another reason I like today , because its MY Birthday , is that I can look back at all of my previous Birthday experiences with my family and I always enjoyed myself , so that can continue , but as the age I really am getting , it is up to me a lot now to create and decide a just as fulfilling Birthday for myself [ @ Least this Year lol ] still not all the way where I want to be yet , but have No Regrets . :D And be proud of myself . I love me , Nevaeh , Nate even though he acts like a jerk if it wasnt for him I couldnt be as blessed as I am right now . R . I . P. Dad Im doing everything the way you and mom both know Im capable of and ik you are happy and miss me . I will always love , miss you , and need you .
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 23:34:11 +0000

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