This is so sad. Help bring these kids home to their mother. - TopicsExpress


This is so sad. Help bring these kids home to their mother. Yet another parental alienation/abduction case. This mom has to pay lawyers to try to get her kids home from their fathers, where she agreed for the kids to go this summer out of good faith. The father let her believe the kids were coming home right until 20 minutes before they were supposed to board their flight home. Now the father and his girlfriend have cut the mother off all communication. These poor kids need both parents in their lives. The court needs to stand up and be swift in these circumstances before the parents pockets are drained and the kids are manipulated against the other parent. This hits home for me; one day I will share my story with you, if for nothing else than to hopefully help another parent going through parent alienation. It takes a village to raise a child...the village is turning a blind eye. Lets help this mother and her kids be together again: please post if you can.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 13:01:36 +0000

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