This is the last day of campaigns fellow Malawians. If you are - TopicsExpress


This is the last day of campaigns fellow Malawians. If you are like me, and have expressed dismay at the state of Malawi since she attained democracy and have had s first hand experience to smell the strong stench of poverty around, the greed and abuse of resources by a few Kleptocrats hiding in the name of well wishers, my prayer is you take time today, tomorrow and Monday reflect on these things. I have joined others in praying for wisdom and peace to guide us so that we bring sanity, integrity and dignity of Malawi. Today, significantly, the Norwegians celebrate their national day with pride and yet, in 1960s they were almost like us today! They have served their country well to become one of most powerful economies in the world, coming closer to home, Rwanda and Mozambique conflict zones today are bypassing this nation which has not even experienced any conflict of that nature. We must feel ashamed and pain that Malawi should be ahead in terms of development and possibly leading in economic progress in this part of the region because of the favour that we have had! It is my humble prayer that if you vote next week make a decision or influence those that will to vote in people that will bring change, this wont be easy, but out these tripartite elections we must avoid and deliberately vote out mediocrity and selfish rulers. Brethren, it begins with your vote. Let us save our nation, our people as most are struggling and still duped by the same politicians that have wrecked and disgraced this beautiful country! Vote wisely, talk to someone and help them make a wise decision for the next generation.
Posted on: Sat, 17 May 2014 06:27:32 +0000

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