This list is definitely not complete but it sure shows what this - TopicsExpress


This list is definitely not complete but it sure shows what this president is up to. Whenever I hear someone I care for and love post on Facebook about the good that Obama is doing, I really just shudder to think what does it take for his supporters to wake up to the destruction of America under his regime. It is not totally their fault, since our mainstream medias have been bought and only tell us what the White House wants us to know. It is difficult to believe that anyone thinks Obamacare is a good thing. Obamacare was passed without anyone in Congress reading it. If you sign on to the healthcare website you will probably have your identity stolen, you will give your confidential health records to everyone to see. You are giving the IRS the ability to decided if you get treatment or not. The death panels are real and if you dont think so just google it. There is much evidence out there if you just look. (I dont mean Snopes they are working for George Soros and he is for the destruction of America and for globalization and Agenda 21. You can find Agenda 21 on the UN website). Last year, my dear sister in law, died and it was a tragic, horrible thing that happened to her. Under the death panels regime, she would not have had any chance of care after the surgery that evidentially took her life, if she could have had the surgery in the first place. Why do you think Obama pushed it back to after the elections in 2014 for the Employer Mandate? Because he know how furious Americans will be. He knows that the people in America who are not paying attention will wake up to the fact that the Affordable Healthcare Act is not in our best interest. This will give the government the ability to deny whoever they want healthcare, why would they do that? To deny healthcare to whomever they want. This is Obamas first weapon to dismantle our healthcare system and our country. In fact it is the one thing any dictator historically, has to do in order to gain control of everyone. Once we are all forced to be on board, the IRS knows who opposes his policies and will deny those people healthcare. Or make up excuses, like technicalities or not showing you in the system even though taking money from your account, and to put off the care until you die. You think they wont? Look at what is happening to our Veterans. Do you think that if the IRS will target their political enemies with audits and not allowing them non-profit status for their political organizations, they will not target them with lack of health care? We have a man who is NOT AN AMERICAN CITIZEN who has infiltrated the White House and appointed many other Muslim Brotherhood members to rule over us. Thats right they are not serving us, but ruling over us. Obama is a Muslim Brotherhood Member 100% and that is where his loyalties lie. Radical Muslims have one goal and that is to take over all the world and convert all to Islam and Allah. They have made it clear that they will kill all who dont convert. Remember Obama bowed to the Saudi King, and he has not bowed to anyone else. That is quite telling dont you think? We have thousands, maybe millions crossing over the border right now. Why would Obama allow this? We have all seen reports that there are only a small percentage of children coming across and the rest are gang members, Jihadists, ISIS, Chinese, Drug Cartel members, etc. On top of that, many people who would know, like retired Generals, are saying there will be an attack on the US that will make 911 look like childs play and they expect it to be around Sept 11, 2014. Yet Obama continues to play golf, as they flood our borders and are shuttled or flown all over the country at tax-payer expense to secret locations. Not even the governors know who they are or where they are taken inside their state! Recently Obama said they had no strategy to deal with ISIS. Really? Arent they the ones who are chanting death to America? There are many legitimate reports that they are here and planning many attacks across America. However the FBI just came out to say there is no threat. Which is it? My guess is on the attacks. This president has fired over 200 high ranking generals! Now he is firing many of the other high ranking military. He has fired so many that now he is having to hire a German military general to run things. Really? Yes it is true! Look it up. The men and women in Afghanistan who are fighting are now are being informed that once they get home, they will be discharged from the military. Well that is if they survive! Obama has also made them targets on the battlefield and told them that they cant shoot unless shot at by the enemy. Dont believe me? Look it up. He has also ruled guns banned military bases! Seriously? Think about that for a moment. If ISIS were to attack a military base or on American soil, the soldiers would have no guns available at the onset of an attack. They would not have guns unless Obama allowed it. Scary huh? Not only that but Obama has taken all the States National Guard and Militias Apache helicopters and other heavy artillery from the states so they cant protect themselves. Also, many veterans are having their guns taken away and being declared mentally incompetent! Friends, our guns are being confiscated on many fronts. Why is he doing all this? Especially when the threat is out there that we will be attacked on American soil? Why would he destroy our military? Why would he destroy our healthcare system? Why would the media lie? Because they are bought out by huge corporations who support Agenda 21, which is a one world government run by UN and Obama. Why does Congress allow this? Because our Federal government has taken over by the supporters of Agenda 21. They are all committing treason Republican and Democrats alike! This is bipartisan treasonous act! Sure there may be a few in Congress who are trying to fight this but they and their families are under threat if they expose the truth. Remember the NSA knows all and they watch and listen to what members of Congress are up to. Many, who are supporting Obama not based on what he is really doing and his true policies, they support him because he because he is black, or is for gay rights, or against Christianity, or want to be supported financially by the government via free handouts that other Americans have to pay for. I believe we have to help those who are downtrodden but many are just taking advantage of the system. Heck I have had to have assistance myself for a couple of years when I was only making $6 and hour and trying to raise my two daughters with no child support. So I understand there are needs at times. But many dont want to ever stop receiving the handouts or entitlements as they see them. They are focused on what they can get instead of what they can do to improve their own lives. Unfortunately Obama is making it very difficult to get out of the abyss of welfare. Illegals can come and work in America and employers dont have to pay for Obamacare for them and there are no fines if they dont provide healthcare. But if they hire Americans they are subjected to providing healthcare to Americans citizens who work so many hours a week or they will be fined $5000 a year for each employee. Who do you think the employers are going to hire? Many Americans still think the Affordable Healthcare is affordable. Well let me tell you that it is not affordable at all to middle class America! My husband and I will have to pay at least $1800 a month for healthcare and have $6000 deductibles each before we see any approved healthcare services paid. This is the plan that is closest to what we have now which is still nothing close to what we have now. So for both of us to see any payout in a years time we have to have $36,000 in combined healthcare services to have anything paid and that is only the healthcare services that are approved! That is without any pre-existing conditions! We simply can not afford that and there is no benefit to sign on. But if we dont we are in violation of the law. With all our healthcare conditions we can expect to die soon after it implementation, so really all we will be doing to paying for healthcare for all the people who think they are entitled to free government handouts until we die. If you think you wont do it? Obama has made it where any government agency can remove fines or funds from your bank account without a courts approval. So by supporting Obamas policies you can expect to lose your job, lose your home, lifestyle and healthcare. You can also expect America to turn into a 3rd world country, since the dollar is collapsing, but that is a whole other issue for another article. You can expect to be attacked on American soil. You can expect Martial Law and have your constitutional rights and property, food and waters, etc to be taken away. (See Executive Order 13603) You can expect no more elections, You can expect to lose your retirement, your right to have freedom of religion, of free speech, to own property, to make your dreams come true, to have the right to protect your family from ISIS or raids, or have a trained military to protect us. This list goes on and on! So how is Obamas change working for you? It is time to look at the big picture and not focus on gay rights or free handouts because he is destroying America as we know it. You think he will always give free handouts? When we lose the capacity to print money, and we will, you will lose the handouts! Countries around the world are turning from the world currency of the US dollar. Once that happens the Fed has to stop printing money and we have to live within our means and keep up on our payments to China who owns most of our debt. What do you think China will do if they own us? Obama has mortgaged us, our homes and possessions, our land, our bank accounts, everything to keep getting China to back our debt. Have you noticed the mainstream media is not even talking about our debt anymore? Of course the true debt is more like $100 trillion dollars, they are only counting what the debt is for $20 trillion that we have to pay interest and benefits on this month. Personally if every American were to wake up today, we might be able to stop this destruction of America. There are many areas I have not even touched on and this is only the tip of the iceberg of what the Obama Regime is up to. See list in article for more things to research. I am asking you to not take my word for it but to research it for yourself. Two years ago I didnt believe any of this at all until someone challenged me to look it up. Please dont tell me to ignore this and enjoy what time we have left. That is just ridiculous given the threat we are under.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 16:26:42 +0000

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