This little blurb pretty much sums up my thoughts on the state of - TopicsExpress


This little blurb pretty much sums up my thoughts on the state of our government. Im not much for politics. I did not write this, I stumbled on it and it struck a chord with me. Lets be candid, the choices presented to the American people for Presidential candidates are fairly limited. First, they have to be wealthy to even run for President and most are well connected to the business community for financial assistance. Most come from an Ivy League background and may have a vague idea on how the poor and middle class people live. I remember one candidate speaking about being poor, living in a basement apartment while going to college. After graduation, his father gave him a million dollars and thats all he needed. So after these wealthy individuals gain access to the Presidency, whose needs do we think they are going to cater to? Damn sure not the middle or lower classes, its to those who gave them the resources to be elected and for their upper class friends, which includes them. Political platforms are designed by those in power also. American citizens have very little to do with what the party is going to do if elected. Congress does pretty much what it wants, with no desire to create controls for congressmen and women. They have to vote down pay raises annually to not automatically get a raise. They work much less than half a year and have no solid evaluation process for their performance. Even with a very poor showing, they retain their positions for a minimum of 4 to 6 years. What other job allows that? Their benefits are superior to what the rest of us get and they are exempt from ObamaCare, can legally engage in insider trading, travel the world at taxpayer expense, and can direct very lucrative, government paid contracts to friends and pals without oversight or a bidding process. The American people will never get Congressmen or the President to do what this country needs done, because they are elected to support just the few wealthy who run this country. Many Americans dont even get that concept. The wealthy own the press, so were fed all kinds of deceit and pretense and distortions and never know the difference. I see no chance of turning it around. Our children will continue to die in useless wars. Well continue to struggle making ends meet due to low wage jobs, medical costs will continue to climb where only the few can pay. the rest of us will struggle and hope for the best. higher education will get more difficult to obtain, again only for the wealthy. It helps to keep the rest of us in poverty. I dont consider myself a liberal or conservative, I consider myself someone just trying to make it in this world.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 18:58:30 +0000

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