This might sound controversy but thats what i believe and thats my - TopicsExpress


This might sound controversy but thats what i believe and thats my sunesis Someone asked me about the bride price that is popular in Africa-if it is good for a christian to involve themselves in such tradition or culture(Remember this is only done in Africa-i have never heard European or British asking for bride price before they give their daughter in hand for marriage) so this is what i think-its not by force to believe it but this is what i believe its wise to do. Culture are made by men-that mean it is not by force to be in bondage to a culture. Once u become a christian-you have a complete set of culture and that is the word of God. Jesus saidEventhough you are in this world-YOU ARE NOT OF THE WORLD So dont behave like an african-behave like a christian. paul saidDONT CONFORM YOURSELF TO THE STATUS QUO OF THIS SYSTEM(WORLD) but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind-Romans 12:2 Even Jesus had problems with the jews because they elevated their culture above God principles. So culture are made by men and everything made by man can be change.It is not by force to continue all in the name of legacy or honoring your forefathers OR ancestors-they are not your God-So if you think its not good-CHANGE IT! Also remember-Most culture came by unregenated men-that is men who arent born again-so they made all these culture like puberty rite,trokosi system and all these traditional rites. If we can change some culture like the trokosi and female gentital mutilation-then why cant we change the bride price culture? In countries like Bostwana-i heard-before u will marry a woman-you have to buy 5 cows and some items before they agree to let you marry their daughter. I mean this is poverty going somewhere to happen! No wonder-the men feel-they bought the woman-so they have the right to beat her if she doesnt behave what they want from her cos afteral they bought her like u buying a slave from its owners. For God sake-they are humans-not comodities you sell. Giving your daughter in hand in marriage is not an avenue for parent to estort money from the groom to pay for all the expenses you spend on your daughter.Thats stupid! It shows you didnt love your daughter-so now that she is leaving-u wana get all the money you wasted on her.Is that love?No! I know one reason is thatThey wana make sure the man is capable of providing for their daugter when he marry her-thats why they do all these things But you can know without selling your daughter. First you ask the man-what does he do?If possible find out how much he earns to be sure he is capable of providing for your daughter.So there is no excuse of selling your daughter to find out if he is financially able or not. I believe we cant change what has been there for ages but we can do something to stop this GMA(Gross mental attitude). It start from you and i-when we get married and have our own children-we can set the pace for them to learn also. When someone comes to marry your daughter-dont sell your daughter as though she is a comodity you selling-for she is not. After we are satisfy that the person is good person,christian,serious,financial able,and respectful-we can give in our blessings and make sure they get married without demanding a bride price as a clause before he marries our daughter. If on his own will-he want to give us a gift whether in cash or anything-we will accept but not put any clause that he ought to do this before we release our daughter. Proverbs 13:22 saysA good parent leaves an inheritance to his children and not the other way round that mean a good parent is not looking for an opportunity to get inheritance or something from his children(by selling them out as bride price so they cud get wealth).No! A good parent-will even wana help suport the man who want to marry his daughter incase anything of need comes. So to change this GMA-It start from you and i
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 20:43:54 +0000

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