This morning we share a story that I think a lot can relate to. - TopicsExpress


This morning we share a story that I think a lot can relate to. Its also disturbing as it shows what lengths some in AdvoCare will go to to push the product. My story started with seeing this Advocare pop up on my newsfeed from lots of my fellow mom friends claiming they lost so much weight with it and had SO much energy now to take care of the kids. Ok, so what, more power to you- but I am not i will just ignore it for now. Well then one of my dear friends, started selling it. In an instant her personal facebook page, generally filled with light hearted , fun posts about her adorable daughter and other mom musings...became a HARDCORE sales pitch for Advocare- literally 3-4 posts a day that sounded like they were scripted at first. The only people liking or commenting on her posts now were either the person who got her into Advocare or some of her closest friends and family that had bought into it from her. I felt embarrassed for her...she had obviously sold her soul to this company- no one needs to that obsessed with a job. I had my instincts about the company being a scam because I was in professional sales for a LEGITIMATE company that paid for my training, computer and paid a generous salary on top of my commissions. I made a true living off my sales job and it did not include selling anything to friends or family or needing to use my personal facebook page to do my business. But still, I didnt want to be a debbie downer, so I messaged her and mentioned she should bring a spark sample by for me to try. I gave it an honest try to see if the product was worth the money. She also told me it was for sure safe for me as a breastfeeding mom. I took her word for it, but now I dont believe that after what it made me feel. I gave her my honest polite feedback when she asked and said I felt starving, jittery and not great after drinking this energy drink. I said that I didnt actually have energy problems so the drink was not worth it to me. It also tasted horrible to me- but I kept that politely to myself. Well then she tried to tell me that maybe what I needed was their stress Oasis formula after I told her that it was tough adjusting to having two kids. Thanks friend, no i dont need a pill- i need a FRIEND- I need you to come see me and not be talking about Advocare. She then told a friend at the playground whom she was working on recruiting that the reason Spark didnt work for me was because I needed to do a cleanse first. Also a no-no when breastfeeding. She generally stopped talking to me much, didnt even make an attempt to see me before we moved to a new state. I was hurt that this would put such a wedge between us just because I was not a fan of her new endeavor. Once I started reading this page, I felt sick to my stomach for her and her family. I have a bad feeling that this company is taking advantage of my friend who has never been a business savvy person and is a stay at home mom easily swayed by the prospect of easy money to spend on the side. Not to mention, what mom isnt temped by a product that claims to help her get skinny? Her husband is deployed, and I am very concerned that she has not even tried to see the ugly side of this company and how bad it can be for your finances- along with your friendships! I guess it was easy for me to find the ugly side because as an outsider all I could think was cult when I saw her desperate facebook posts everyday. I am seeing more and more of my military wife friends fall into this trap- and I feel so uneasy each time I see it. We are the perfect target- most of us moms of little kids moving from place to place so real jobs are very hard to come by. We dont have rich husbands by any means, and often times our husbands arent even in the same country to talk some sense into us when someone is trying to take advantage of us. This company needs to be exposed- I just dont know what the right way to do it is....I am wondering how friends and family have combated this and has it ever ended with the person actually listening to you? Comments anyone? Anyone have any experiences of nursing while using Spark? If you would like us to share your story please contact us at AdvoTruth@Yahoo
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 12:45:21 +0000

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