This mornings breakfast was too amazing not to share! Healthy, you - TopicsExpress


This mornings breakfast was too amazing not to share! Healthy, you say? What the French, toast?! Oh yes, its true. This is an idea Ive been thinking about for a while and finally decided to take it to the test kitchen and try it out on the focus group (Grant and JD, lol). I give you a high fiber, high protein, low calorie, low fat breakfast delight for the whole family! Serves 6 Ingredients: 1 cup unsweetened almond milk (I use Silk brand) 3/4 cup Egg Beaters (any egg substitute will do, really) 2 tbsp Raw Stevia 2 tsp vanilla extract 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon 12 slices Natures Own Double Fiber Wheat 1. Whisk together ingredients for coating in a shallow bowl. 2. Dip both sides of bread in coating and transfer to a skillet on medium high heat--spray with non-stick as necessary, but if youve got a good, non-stick skillet, you wont need it. Brown both sides (about 2 min per side). 3. Transfer to a plate, top with sugar free pancake syrup (be sure to check labels--some SF syrups are loaded with sneaky carbs--Walden Farms makes a good one) and enjoy! Approximately 150 calories, 10 grams protein, and 40% of your DV of fiber per serving (2 slices)! The boys had Greek yogurt on the side of theirs and I had lowfat cottage cheese (pictured here) with mine for a grand total of about 200 calories and more than 20 grams of lean protein. To say we are ready and rarin to go today would be an understatement!!
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 14:08:31 +0000

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