This narrator says many things with which I agree, but then throws - TopicsExpress


This narrator says many things with which I agree, but then throws in as many with which I disagree. So far, this is what I have: 1.police corrupt? IN GENERAL NO, 2. Medicated-YES, too much of that, completely agree and the Left would like us even more dulled down, malleable, 3. GENETIC MOD. (gonna invite a lotta hate here) some gen. mod is good, the Left has convinced many otherwise-children in Africa go blind due to lack of vitamin A, could be solved w/a gen. mod product called ‘golden rice’ but NOOO, big bad gen mod faction to thank for that. 4.Race (yeah it’s ‘still an issue’ because the Left won’t let it go away, die the death it was dying before they INTENTIONALLY and very well created fracas to fire everybody up and stir the sh** pot. IN GENERAL people (Americans) aren’t racist. The Left hates that, and will do anything to get you to parrot their lines. 5. My God, your god….yeah, was he clear which group will chop off your (or my) head? Coulda been clearer on that….6. Too much PRIDE, I agree, too little HUMILITY, I again agree. 7. Money is the root of all evil? Oh please. We still haven’t settled this one? O.k. then, never ask for any. You hate those who have it so much, never ask them for even a dime and we’ll believe you mean what you say 8. We only do good deeds for profit? DISAGREE. I gave $40 bucks to a down-on-his luck dude I encountered in the mall today. He needed some mercy at that moment, just as we all do, sometimes more than others, imo. 9. Illegal to be ‘born a certain way’….yeah, I think he means gays, LGBT (have they added any new letters, I can’t keep up). Where’s it illegal to be gay? Iran? After that (I kept quick notes up to 2:40), I am with him virtually all the way. Glad he DID say “presidents lie” but really wish he might’ve tailored it to the biggest liar who’s ever held the title…...
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 01:29:16 +0000

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