This ones really for Jess following a quick conversation after - TopicsExpress


This ones really for Jess following a quick conversation after Wednesdays class, but may well be appropriate for other people too.. I cant tag people on posts unfortunately but if anyones friends with Jess could you please tag her so she sees this? Thanks. The Iliotibial Band runs from the hip, down the outside of the leg to just below the knee. IT Band Syndrome (ITBS) is a common cause of knee pain in runners but it can also manifest itself in other ways, one of which is hip pain/discomfort. Im not a doctor/sports therapist so Im not diagnosing anything here - Im just suggesting 3 stretches you can do daily that will help reduce the risk of IT Band problems (or help you recuperate if you are suffering from ITBS). Thanks to Sara Gofton (again, cant tag people or I would!) for pointing me in the direction of this video.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 10:25:01 +0000

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