This page is to inform people of a project that is being - TopicsExpress


This page is to inform people of a project that is being undertaken on the island of Cebu in the Philippians. There are many young mothers who have fallen pregnant outside of wedlock and sadly due to historical, cultural or religious reasons find themselves on the street. Often in a city that has no relatives or support network. Unlike Australia the land of my birth and the land where I am extremely blessed to be able to live. There are very few countries on this planet that provide financial support to the extent our citizens enjoy. Due to the lack of support that is available to these young women in the Philippians I am raising money to open a refuge/orphanage for these young women and children that need a helping hand. One must understand that it is not the fault of the Philippine government that this situation has arisen. In truth though trying to point a finger at an individual person or a single reason is impossible. Vision Statement The vision is to provide a place where young women can have a roof over their head, food in their bellies and the support of others who are undergoing the same process of pregnancy, birth, learning to be a mother and providing for themselves and their child in a safe and loving environment. A place where they are able to undergo an education program that will eventually provide them with the ability to support themselves and their child. Mission Statement The mission is a 5 fold plan. 1st To contact the churches in Cebu City, explaining to them that there is a home for young women who might be in need of a safe place to live. Ask the churches if any of their congregation would be willing to support and educate about motherhood. 2nd To contact the local schools, explain what the project is and ask if any of the teachers would be willing to offer an hour or 2 to provide a continuance of their education. Also ask if it is possible for these young women to enroll in their institution to continue with their education. Again approach the Churches and see if any of the congregation are teachers who would be willing to give an hour or 2 providing their skills at teaching. 3rd There is a growing industry in the Philippians called Call Centers. Therefore a huge demand in the Philippians for fluent English speaking locals. The local lady who is helping with this project is a seamstress and she is more than willing in teaching some of these young woman what is required in this profession. Once the training has been undertaken I will approach dress shops in Australia about the purchase of garments with their label on the items. Making them exclusive to their shop. They will have the opportunity to provide their own designs and choice of materials. Also search out what local employers want and establish a training program that will enable the young mothers to find employment. 4th Help create a childcare program within the local community so that not only the young women from the program are able to work but extend it out to the local residents. If land can be obtained create a local garden and egg farm/chicken farm helping with the dietary requirements of the locals. 5th One of the most important aspects of the program is to help with reconciliation between the young woman and her family! Fund Raising I have a Music CD Collection. More than 800 Christian Music, 200 Secular Music CDs and 200 radio release Christian Teaching CDs They are all for sale, some are radio release only CDs For the collector more than the music listener. If you bought these items in a garage sale you might pay $1 for them, but these are being sold to finance the establishment of this Refuge and so I am asking that you dig deep to help these young women and their beautiful young children. He me and those others who love the creation of our Lord to show them that they are worthwhile and loved. Help us to put a roof over their heads, food in their bellies and an education so that the statistic they do become is not one built around deprivation, fear and starvation.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 07:57:00 +0000

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