This post goes out to those who post about Christian pastors who - TopicsExpress


This post goes out to those who post about Christian pastors who abuse other faiths. Your posts deal with differing world views. These fellas you referred to are targeting an audience that loves posturing, much like an opportunistic cine hero mouthing punch dialogues. Traditional, well educated Christians wouldnt want to touch them with a barge pole. Its not so much as eradication of other faiths as enrichment of their coffers. Have you ever wondered that why are they not targeting, lets say, the Ambanis or the Adanis? Or at the least, the middle class Hindus? They wouldnt get any purchase there, for the simple fact that they are not scholars of their own faith. I feel its time that we allowed religious scholars to debate, than allow these pretenders to carry on with this travesty of a debate. True Christians do not abuse non believers for the simple reason, (I am quoting from Christian scripture) You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. Romans 2:1 (NIV) for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God Romans 3:23 (NIV) True Christians know that they are not perfect, and they delve deep into Scripture seeking perfection. You are posting about people who portray themselves as Christians. Portrayal is easy. Change is difficult. What you are doing is targeted portrayal. There are many other Christians who give their lifetime to the service of their fellowmen. Ultimately, we all play the cards we want to play. I dare say, you would be interested in a debate of faith with erudite and true scholars of other faiths, a debate that would be a true exchange of ideas. You would get a lot more insight into their faiths, just as they would into yours. But if you are gonna refer to these louts, you referred to in your posts, as examples of Christian speakers, and I put up equally absurd posts about rabble-rousers posing as Hindu or Muslim religious speakers, we are both going to look like bigots, which I would like to believe we are not. We as civilized human beings must learn to differentiate between rational debate and wild rhetoric. Too often the term sound argument is taken literally, and participants raise their voices. The shrillness of the voice conceals the illness within.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 06:48:19 +0000

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