This shows how far blacks are out of touch with Martin Luther King - TopicsExpress


This shows how far blacks are out of touch with Martin Luther King and his real message to blacks in America. From Al Sharpton, the Black Panthers, and Jesse Jackson, they have rode the corpse of Martin Luther King in their militant activities that would have been condemned by King. Last night Kings son appeared on Al Sharptons brag fest on MSNBC, and cleared showed that he didnt want to be on the show or agreed with Sharpton. Those mentioned above long with the POTUS, the USAG, and now professional athletes are continuing to hurt the cause of equality with their actions. First the Saint Louis Rams mocked the Brown lies with parading onto the field with their hands up. I will say it again if Brown would have surrendered instead of fighting he would be alive today. Under Roger Goodell the NFL has become out of control as players do as they please because Goodell will not really punish them, it is time for the commissioner to go, and someone who will hold players accountable for the actions needs to step in. Or else change the name to the National Felons League, with bail bonding services in each stadium around the country.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 18:22:51 +0000

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