This very insightful look at recital. Please help! If we dont get - TopicsExpress


This very insightful look at recital. Please help! If we dont get enough help it will change the way we do things. I would first of all like to say that I apologize for anything that may be taken as offensive to anyone involved with HTF. This is not my intention whatsoever. I was included in a conversation on FB this morning about hiring people/kids to work at the recital which is to be held in approximately two weeks. I, as a parent, am dumbfounded that with over 300 children registered at HTF that we cant get 30-40 parent volunteers to help out with the recital. First let me give you some background on myself. I have had three daughters involved in dance over the last 15 years at two different studios. I have been on the board at one studio helping out where i could. I have run dance swap at two different studios. I am also the President of the Medicine Hat Minor Softball Assoc as my daughter also plays softball. I have managed her Rep Team for the past three years. Am i looking for a trophy.....not in the least. I like to be involved and maybe put my hand up too fast sometimes but have found that if i one else does. Now back to dance. Initially, I was unaware of the involvement it takes to hold a recital. Sitting in the audience, the show runs smoothly and everyone is cheering and clapping and proud of their little dancers. I have learned over the years that little do you know that backstage there are bobby pins, hair pieces, costumes and parents all flying around from one room to the next making sure every little John or Jane is ready for their performance. There are room helpers making sure all hair pieces are on the right side and bunny ears are tucked in and little Jimmy isnt eating a popsicle with his costume on. Then the children are lined up and the runners (who are back stage) literally run to the rooms to get the next group that goes on stage. The runners then keep the kids quiet and behind the curtains until its their time to go on. Hopefully, after months of practice the dance goes off without a hitch and moms, dads, grandparents and friends are clapping and so proud of their little one. Now, take away those room helpers and runners and people on headsets keeping everything organized and what would you have.......mass confusion and not a smoothly run show. I have heard excuses like......i want to watch my child dance......i dont know what to do, ive never done it before. All legitimate reasons. However........unless you step up and offer to help, you will never know what to do. Once you become involved, you will see the hard work that many dedicated parents have put in to have the recital run smoothly so that you can sit in the audience and watch your child. But......on those days where your child isnt dancing or perhaps dancing the second show and you have already seen them dance, maybe your hand could go up and you could offer to help to make the recital a success. As a volunteer with other organizations also, i see day after day the same parents volunteering while others think its a babysitting drop off. I dont believe we should be hiring kids to babysit our children in the rooms. If you spent one recital day in one of the back rooms for a few hours you will be surprised at how rewarding it can be to experience the anxiety, the excitement, the nervousness, the pride of these little boys and girls as they are about to go out on stage and do their dance knowing that mommy and daddy and grandma and grandpa are out in the audience watching them. It would make your heart melt. We parents that are involved in helping out both with the recital and with competitions know full well the enjoyment of our children winning their medals and trophies and the pride they feel (and us also) after so many months of sweat, tears, bruises, ripped tights, holes in shoes and aching bodies. It is with Pride and Honour that I help the amazing teachers to show off their little dancers by volunteering my time at all three shows. Yes, I am even working the show while my daughter dances. I can sell tickets before the show and still get to my seat in time to watch her. Have i seen these dances at the last four competitions we have been to.....YES and would i ever miss her dance,......okay well maybe once for work (yep i work full time also) lol but i can also watch from back stage as a runner and still get to see ALL the dances in the show except from a different angle. Would i miss it for the world. Never. Even after 15 years of dances, 3 daughters, road trips, hotels, a zillion pairs or shoes, tights, bobby pins and tears, i will also volunteer to make sure that my daughters recital is the best that i know it can be with the help of all the other wonderful mothers and fathers that help out to make it a success. So after my rant, i ask it too much trouble to volunteer to help ALL of the children enjoy the recital that they have waited months for and make the shows a success for HTF? Be a volunteer, put your hand up... you will be surprised at the joy it will put in your heart and the heart of your children. Lets make the 2014 HTF recital a proud moment for all of us!! Help us out so when our children are done dancing and move on to the next chapter in their lives, there are others to take our that day wiil come. Thanks for listening and i hope to see some of you backstage and in the rooms helping out. From the bottom of my heart and every little dancers heart.....THANKS Like · Lisa Yanke, Cindy Bajak Lessard, Michelle Ohs and 21 others like this. Brittany Gooden Very well said mom 6 hrs · Like Sandy Stebner Gooden Thanks dear. 6 hrs · Like Hit the Floor Studio of Dance THANK YOU Sandy, it is parents like you that really make our recitals successful! Hopefully we will be able to find a few more parents to help out! Ashton Commented on by Ashton Breton · 6 hrs · Like · 2 Lisa Yanke Amen! 6 hrs · Like Teresa Eslinger Well said and I may copy and paste for my facebook. haha 6 hrs · Like Sandy Stebner Gooden Go ahead. lol 6 hrs · Like Teresa Eslinger Only if people realized how rewarding it is and fun. I actually enjoy being backstage with the girls, lots of laughs and tears. You dont get those memories without getting right in it. 6 hrs · Like · 1 Sandy Stebner Gooden Exactly. Its a whole new perspective and a rewarding one at that. 6 hrs · Like Patti Moss You are so right!!!!! Miss you at recital!!!! 5 hrs · Like Sandy Stebner Gooden Lol. Ill try to fit it in my schedule. Lmao. Miss u too 5 hrs · Like Valerie Warren As a fellow dance mom I have to say this was VERY well written & it makes me a little sad that you HAD to write it!! My daughter dances with a different studio and I didnt get the chance to help this year (all spots were filled before I got my chan...See More 5 hrs · Like · 3 Sandy Stebner Gooden Thanks Val 5 hrs · Like · 1 Harvey Stebner Very well spoken Sandy. You are so right. Just a few people get sore arms from raising them to volunteer every time and many, many more, get sore hands from sitting on them and never volunteering. 2 hrs · Like · 3 Samantha Reppnack-Bachmeier From one dance mom to another...good for you! It is a BLAST backstage!!! (especially when you get stuck putting props on stage lol) Hope you get more volunteers! 2 hrs · Like Sandy Stebner Gooden Guess I got my writing skills from you dad. Also well spoken. Thanks 2 hrs · Like · 1
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 22:08:36 +0000

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