This was a week when the true colours of the LNP were evident and - TopicsExpress


This was a week when the true colours of the LNP were evident and clear for everyone to see. At a federal level the reintroduction of imperial honours demonstrates that the LNP thinks that some people are of a better class than others. The Prime Minister has for some time been accusing unions and the ALP of class warfare because they dare to stand up for a fair go for those who have lower incomes and less property. By this anachronistic return to a feudal class structure it is the Liberals encouraged by Premier Newman that are showing themselves to be the class warriors and the use of titles such as “Sir” and “Dame” have the purpose of identifying to you (the ordinary people) who are your betters. Joe Hockey, even parodied by the Courier Mail as a mobster, stand-over merchant, has threatened Queensland with financial punishment if we do not sell assets. The reason that the ALP in Queensland was smashed to a pulp was the sale of public assets. Queenslanders know that once their assets are sold they will never get them back. Queenslanders, particularly those in regional areas, also know that if the private sector provides services that Governments currently provide they will pay more and get less. In the state arena, the Premier has accepted a $70K pay rise after continuing to cause so many Queenslanders such pain for no gain. All of the pain inflicted upon ordinary working Queenslanders who happened to be employees of the state Government has not helped the budget and if anything has made matters worse. It is truly heart-wrenching to see the comments from so many Queenslanders who compare this increase to their own income and the latter looks decidedly on the slim side. Very few would begrudge that politicians are paid correctly but the Newman Government is so insensitive it is impossible to believe. No one accept as true that they could not refuse their pay increase. Remember this Government has changed its own industrial relations legislation six times and most of these amendments have been to ensure that the independent umpire is prevented from providing wage increases to employees of the Queensland Government. In all but a few examples, the Newman Government has failed to reach agreement in negotiations over pay and conditions because of their intransigent position and refusal to accept any other point of view. This is the hypocrisy that causes so much venom towards the Newman Government. Before the 2012 Queensland election the LNP painted themselves as a new party that did not have the class-based baggage of the pinned-striped Liberals or the bunyip aristocracy of the Nationals. Many voters (and I am sure even some of their candidates and party members) bought this re-branding of a new and vibrant party not shackled by the old class prejudice. The events of the last week should leave Queenslanders in no doubt who the LNP governs for. There entire raison detre is to maintain and widen the gap between the haves and haves-not. If you think the LNP or their federal bosses in the Liberal Party govern for you, ask yourself if you think you are going to get a knighthood. Please share the meme below if you agree.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 04:14:47 +0000

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