This was posted by my Son, who has - TopicsExpress


This was posted by my Son, who has always been a big fan of Sam Cooke as am I. He posted it for everyone to share their feelings and their thoughts, so Ill share mine. We are living in very different times now, and we dont know where these times are going to lead us or what well incur along the way. One thing we all know is that times they are a changing in ways we never even thought of. Globally in every part of the world, there is no real peace. Unfortunately, we are all in a struggle of some kind and we are all aware of the burdens each of us carry, whether we have been directly affected, or indirectly. It just doesnt matter anymore, if its our own pain, or that of another. We have become desensitized in so many ways, violence being just part of the list. What has happened to us? This certainly isnt the America I grew up in, and Im sorry to say it because I remember when a disagreement was settled with a fist fight, which was usually broken up. Today its bring out a gun, aim and shoot. The NRA encourages us to purchase guns for our protection, they dont care if the guns end up in the wrong hands where they can do the most damage to the most innocent of people, those who happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time! Ive looked down the barrel of a gun, and I never want to be put in the place of being a crime victim again! I am a survivor, but so much of who I was prior to a robbery was stolen from me that horrid, terrifying night. I relive it every single day, and night. Theres much more I could say of how it changed my life, not to mention how much it changed me. To make it worse I have been labeled, stereotyped if I may say, because of something I had no control over when it occurred, or since! Sad isnt it? My heart breaks for every parent that loses their child/children, It weeps for the siblings who mourn the loss of their brother or sister. I am despondent when the youngest of the young are taken because they were caught in someones crossfire, and Im despaired when a child is left without a parent to watch them grow, and be there, when their child cries out for them. Its time we make those changes come, and it begins with each of us. Theres storm and strife everywhere, and the color of our skin should should be the least of our worries , so why isnt this the case? I want to know why we just cant or wont just LET IT GO!! Let these changes take place, there are so many more important things going on than race, color or creed. When it comes right down to it, the only thing that matters is the survival of the HUMAN RACE, and this is where our concern should be, and needs to be! It has to be, it must be, and with HATRED instead of LOVE, It will never be!! Now more than ever, we have to reach out to one another, unite, and stop the violence and remember the words..... DO Unto Others, as YOU WOULD HAVE DONE UNTO YOU! I pray that this too will touch the hearts of those who need it, & from what I hear, and from my lips to Gods ears, I believe thats the majority of us and not the minority that I wish it was! Lets put LOVE, HOPE. FAITH, AND CHARITY FIRST & FOREMOST WHERE IT SHOULD ALWAYS BE in ALL OF US!
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 04:01:30 +0000

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