This was published prior to the announcement that The Interview - TopicsExpress


This was published prior to the announcement that The Interview would begin screening in some theaters shortly. But the point remains the same. Clooney is right, and what is so refreshing about his comments is that they convey a sense of moral outrage. He recognizes that North Korea’s cyberattack and the threats to Sony are an attack on important values — individual employees’ rights to privacy, a company’s right to carry on its business, everyone’s rights to free speech and the freedom to live our lives without the fear of being attacked while watching a movie. And he understands that if no one stands up for these values, they will not last for long. It’s unfortunately more than we can say for the man who is supposed to take the lead in defending these values when they are threatened or attacked by a hostile regime. So let’s turn to the bad. On Friday, President Obama held a press conference in which he did something that is all too common for him — he pointed the finger at someone else. Steve Simpson
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 20:50:09 +0000

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