This week has been a pretty good one. On Monday we went over to - TopicsExpress


This week has been a pretty good one. On Monday we went over to the Forde family and had a family home evening with them. It was pretty fun. They taught a lot about families and ting thats when Elder Hill said all those nice things about me. What a great guy huh? But then they invited us to share a lesson as well so I pulled out my Flashdrive and pulled up the mormon message about bullying. It is new this year done by President Uchdorf. It is really good I encourage you all to watch it. But it was a topic I thought about because Monday was actually the first day back to school for all of these yahoos here. But we talked about bullying and I shared a lot of my experiences because I have seen bullying in two different ways. Throughout my life at a point of time I was a bully a little bit but not too bad and it stunk. But I also shared the experience of me kickin the trash out of the bullies. It was good and definitely an inspired topic as they all participated and felt very good about the lesson so that was a lot of fun. Tuesday I was a little bit frustrated because one of our district leaders showed up to district meeting just barely on time and that is not ok. Than one of the companionships in his district came 30 minutes late. One of them that has been giving us a lot of troubles. So I had a nice chat with my DL and told him to take care of it before the wrath comes from Elder Smith. Tuesday was an alright day for us we had a missionary from the other Zone with us all day because he was leaving to Trinidad. That day was a good day. We saw Lisa who just a very bright girl. She is great I taught her with brother John as Elder Hill and Pollard went and taught another lady. Lisas understanding always blows me away as she just loves the book of mormon. We also had a great lesson at a members home about the importance of the scriptures. I cant imagine not having the scriptures to our availability as people used to not have them in the olden days. People used to die just to read them and we take them for granted. I urge you all to read your scriptures every single day especially the book of mormon. Gods mysteries will be unfolded to us as we desire it. Wednesday we had to drop Elder Pollard off at the airport and on the way back received a call from one of our companionships about some issues going on so we met Elder Poulson there and in the end decided that we needed to do a few day trade offs. So I stayed in the area with Elder Tupou which was a lot of fun. He is a very loving guy and people love him. But he has just lost respect for his companion. It is sad but not much to do. The trade off went really well though and when we traded back Friday they have not had a problem since and have been working very hard in the area seeing much success that has been longing to happen. Saw the Rams today! that was super Sick I love them sooo bad. I helped sister Ram with her family history and that was good! I have never done it before but sure did figure it out. I think that it would be amazing to do work for family members that are deceased but I think that it has already been done for most of mine. We prepared for Aaliyah to be baptized Saturday and that was great. She is the daughter of a member that we have reactivated this transfer and from her reactivation we snagged her 11 year old daughter into the waters of baptism. Cameeta is her mother and she is one of my favorites. She is a great mother to her 2 kids that I love to death and love to play with. I say it so often but I sure do love all of the members here with all of my heart. I predict that I will be here until qbout January, but we will see. Maybe I am just hoping for that. The baptism was amazing though. This young girl just had so much light to her and sure did bring some tears to the eyes of many that attended. A less active RM found his testimony once again as he attended. We have dealt with a lot of things this week and man it is difficult. Watching my zone leaders throughout my mission I thought that it would just be a walk in the park to be a zone leader. But It is because I have been in some pretty dang good zones with wonderful missionaries. Now I am not saying these missionaries are not good just have a lot more troubles than some in the mission and I am the one that has to deal with them all every single day. I have always thought that missionaries were supposed to be grown up and mature but some just dont hit that stage. Guyana has a bad reputation with missionaries not being the most obedient. But I am happy for some changes that are going to be happening this transfer to start fresh and make sure tings are in order. But I kinda do like dealing with peoples crap and helping them when it is needed. This week is one I am looking forward to. Saturday we should be having 3 more baptisms, 2 from a part member family and the other one a great guy that we have been teaching for a while by the name of Sheldon. Oh also on Sunday it was super good we had 118 at church so keeping it steady and 9 investigators! SHAMEER CAME and I dont know if I told you but he also told us that he is going to get baptized in October! I am super excited. This is one thing I want to see really bad! At church he just soaked it in and looked so interested! He acted like he LOVED it. Anyways this gospel is so very true. I love you all and hope that you have a great week!
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 06:20:45 +0000

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