This world is the luckiest place to live as Nature has provided it - TopicsExpress


This world is the luckiest place to live as Nature has provided it with a unique gift: woman. It is the softer side of life, the life that almost all philosophies of human idealism pivot around, with an exclusive blend of realism. From Lucy Gray of Wordsworth to Shakuntala of Kalidasa, the infant, the adolescent, the young and the old grizzled soul, yes, the soul of WOMAN has beautified the dry landscape of human mind since the first breath of human history. The old lady in the Moon still breathes in Nature to equip us with the magic of idealism. The babbling daughter in one’s lap shares one of the most beautiful scenes of human reality. She has, unlike any creature, enriched the imagination of bards, sculptors, painters and any kind of artists to that extent that none has ever done throughout human history. Plato’s aestheticism was a mere ripple in the ocean of history of beauty where Woman rules un-ruled. The warm breath of Helen can destroy the towers of Ilium; Cleopatra’s sparkling eyes can make the whole Roman Empire do a somersault; crooning locks of Aphrodite can entangle ascetic philosophers and men of cerebral qualities like Buddha, Spinoza and Augustus and souls like Orpheus and Odysseus; lo! Mona Lisa is still watching you. She--woman--is the beauty par excellence, an epitome of paradise on Earth. Good or bad, right or wrong are just the socio-ethical precepts equally applied to man. Thus, woman, as she is, be felt beyond these narrow precepts, because she, being one of the strongest of forces in this world has ignited the fire of life starting from procreation to the acme of human development in thought, maturity and above all humanity, which is full of beauty and love. Em Syre
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 13:52:26 +0000

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