Those of us at Hope Defined, Diesels Mission and TeeCeeBoos Wysh - TopicsExpress


Those of us at Hope Defined, Diesels Mission and TeeCeeBoos Wysh have had a very difficult, sleepless night. It is with a very heavy and broken heart that we announce our Snookie passed away last night at around 830pm. Dr. Taylor called Hailie at 8pm yesterday evening with earth shattering news. Snookie did not have a foreign object lodged her in intestines - she had a softball sized tumor that had spread to her liver, bladder, uterus and kidneys. The spread of this tumor was aggressive, quick and left Snookie in a lot of pain. Dr. Taylor suggested Snookie be put to sleep immediately and could not even put her back together for a final goodbye. He said it was one of the worst spreads he has ever seen. Snookie was a special soul, who reached out and touched everyone she came in contact with. She came to us at Hope Defined 8 months ago after our lawyer, Chris realized Snookie was in danger at an Albuquerque Shelter. Chris had never even met Snookie and yet he was touched by her. Our beautiful girl may have had a few behavioral issues, but we were working through that with the help of her trainer, Lori from Diesels Mission Canine Rescue and Rehabilitation. She lived with Lori for those 8 months she was with us and stole the heart of both Lori and her husband Matt. Matt and Snookie would sing every night before dinner time together - and she was an awesome frog hunter. Snookie had a very special gift at loving anyone who came across her path - We were all so very lucky to have known her. Please consider making a donation in Snookies honor to Hope Defined. We will still need to pay for her surgery, which will be around $600 and we would like to have Snookie cremated, which will be an additional cost.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 14:09:21 +0000

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