Those of you that know me also know that I almost never post - TopicsExpress


Those of you that know me also know that I almost never post anything on Facebook. With that said, I feel like I need to weigh in on the new viral sensation know as the Ice Bucket Challenge. This has been started to to raise awareness for ALS or Lou Gehrigs disease. So far its working well and has raised tons of money which is great. The not so great part that is being over looked is the fact that large sections of our country is under moderate to severe draught. Things are critical in several farm belt states such as Texas, Kansas and California that produce much of our nations food. The cattle, wheat and grain industries are being hit hardest. If you underestimate the effects of wheat production falling, please look at what happens in countries like Libya and Egypt when flour isnt available to make bread. Civil war is what happens. When Kansas produced less wheat then the production of flour also falls. In many countries bread is the only affordable sustainable food source and when people cant get any they revolt against their government. Many lives are lost in the process. So heres my plea. If your state has such a reserve of water that you can afford to pour it over your head, or from hoses on huge platforms (see N.Y. Jets), or out of helicopters (BizNasty), please put that water into water trucks and send it to the draught states that are growing all the food. Im all for raising money for ALS but there needs to be a more responsible way than dumping a non-renewable resource critical to all life on planet Earth over your head. You get cold and wet. We get it. Now can we be done with it?
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 20:30:47 +0000

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