...Those of you who KNOW ME WELL are aware that I AM straight - TopicsExpress


...Those of you who KNOW ME WELL are aware that I AM straight doctrine and NO THEOLOGICAL SPIN !!!! Paul exhorts RIGHTLY DIVIDING the Word of TRUTH in his letter to Timothy !!! People DISECT IT to attain MEANING to support their UN-accountability to RIGHTEOUSNESS or the PURSUIT of HOLINESS because it does [...NOT SELL BOOKS...] and definitely does [...NOT FILL OFFERING PLATES...] when the Holy Spirit EXPOSES the SINFUL CONDITION of our HEARTS !!!! People flock to SOOTH-SAYERS and Christian COMEDIANS and yet REJECT TRUTH in the FULL COUNSEL of God, just like they REJECTED Jeremiah and FLOCKED to the FALSE PROPHETS instead who scratched their ITCHING EARS !!!! In Jeremiah 14:13-18 God makes it clear when the man of God is complaining to Him about this very thing !!!! Later on they threatened to kill Jeremiah !!!! To be rejected for the TRUTH is an HONOR that Jeremiah finally realizes comes ONLY from God and.... NOT EYE-PLEASERS of MEN !!!! ...Here is a post someone wrote earlier about understanding the (..past tense..) of a scripture. The FACT of the matter is NOT the understanding of scripture, but the actual DOING of the scriptures !!!! Paul says, Be [...DOERS of the WORD...] and NOT just hearers and SPEAKERS only !!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .......Interesting translation of Gal 5:24. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there (NLT). Now heres NASB: Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. (NASB) Seeing the past tense brings out some more meaning. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ... LIVING the past tense is the KEY my brother !!!! .......James 1:12...... [ Loving God Under Trials ] Blessed is the man who ENDURES TEMPTATION; for when he has been APPROVED(..by resisting..), he will receive the CROWN of Life(...Jesus IS Life...) which the Lord has PROMISED to [...THOSE WHO LOVE Him...] .....Jesus says in John 15 that PROOF of LOVING Him is..... OBEYING His COMMANDS !!! ...He also QUALIFIES Himself as to REMAINING IN the Fathers LOVE the SAME WAY He exhorts US to....DO THE SAME !!!! .... .....John 15:9-10..... ... Love and Joy Perfected ... Verses 11 and 12 elucidate the PORTENT of the pretense of the first 10 verses !!!! ...UN-conditional ??? How does ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON get UN-conditional out of the vernacular of the word.... IF ??? 9 “As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. 10 [..IF..] you [...KEEP My COMMANDMENTS(..ALL of them..)...], you will [...ABIDE IN My LOVE...], just as I have [...KEPT My Father’s COMMANDMENTS...] and [...ABIDE IN His LOVE...] !!!! ...Paul urges us to OBEDIENCE when he says, I pray that you are FOUND IN Him upon His return... here in Philippians. .....Philippians 3:8-14..... 8 Yet indeed I also [...COUNT ALL THINGS LOSS...] for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have [...SUFFERED the LOSS of ALL THINGS...], and count them as rubbish, that [..I MAY GAIN Christ...] 9 and be [...FOUND IN in Him...], not having MY OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the RIGHTEOUSNESS(...change of behavior as EVIDENCE...) which is [...FROM God by FAITH...]; 10 that I may know Him and the [...POWER of His RESURRECTION(..which CHANGES ME and MY BEHAVIOR COMPLETELY..)...], and the [...FELLOWSHIP of His SUFFERINGS...], being [... CONFORMED to His DEATH...], 11 IF , by any means, I may attain to the resurrection from the dead. ... Pressing Toward the Goal ... 12 NOT that I have ALREADY ATTAINED, or am ALREADY PERFECTED; but I PRESS ON, that I MAY(...NOT ALREADY...) lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. 13 Brethren, I DO NOT count myself to have APPREHENDED(..past tense..); but one thing I do, FORGETTING THOSE THINGS which are BEHIND(.. AFTER REPENTING..) and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, 14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the UPWARD CALL(..means AWAY FROM sin..) of God in Christ Jesus. ...Love everlasting IN the FULL COUNSEL of God, Brother Gerald(Boo)
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 01:01:00 +0000

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