Those who are well informed by reading the alternative media - TopicsExpress


Those who are well informed by reading the alternative media usually have trouble being around mindless mainstream media consumers because its difficult to have an intelligent conversation with them. Where to even begin? You cant tell them things like America has conspired with Saudia Arabia to launch a petrodollar currency war against Russia because people who watch mainstream news stations have no knowledge of currency wars, the petrodollar, the history of Americas collaboration with the anti human rights Saudi kingdom, and so on. Similarly, you cant delve in to the physics of why concrete-and-steel buildings dont just magically collapse pancake-style from a few office fires, because theyve been trained to cognitively reject all laws of physics that conflict with the myths which have been drilled into their heads by the mindless media. Trying to explain reality to a mainstream media news consumer is a lot like trying to teach a pig to sing: you waste your time and annoy the pig. No, the zombies who are hypnotized and indoctrinated by mainstream media have to escape their mental prisons on their own. Its a process that some can achieve and others cant, for whatever reason. But its a process that cant be forced on anyone. If people want to eat their genetically modified junk food, get injected with mercury-laced flu shots and believe that Obama is a friend of the U.S. Constitution, then they have a long journey ahead of them if they want to learn anything at all about the way the world really works. Learn more: naturalnews/048131_censored_news_2014_alternative_media.html#ixzz3NIAUOhQV
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 13:12:43 +0000

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