Those who claim they are upon Ahlu-Sunnah, but hate ascribing to - TopicsExpress


Those who claim they are upon Ahlu-Sunnah, but hate ascribing to Salafiyyah… READ! Shaykh ‘Ubayd al-Jabiri Hafidha Allaah : For verily many people who claim they are Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa’ah and that they are upon guidance, detest ascribing to Salafiyyah. And so that their hearts are comfortable with this ascription, and by this, I mean the ascription to Salafiyyah, and their resolution becomes firm and that which has fallen into their hearts; this dislike (of ascribing to Salafiyyah), it is a whispering from the Devil. And this was solidified in their hearts due to weak resolution and limited understanding in the deen. And if their determination was firm and strong, and they had gathered strong understanding of the Religion, then they would not dislike this ascription to Salafiyyah. And they would not find any objection to this. Then I say to them,Firstly, There comes in ahaadeeth of the Messenger of Allah salallahu ýalaihi wa salam, that which establishes this. From them is the saying of the Prophet, alaihis salaatu was salaam to his daughter Faatimah: “How excellent a Salaf I am for you!” And secondly, this ascription is not something new, rather it is from the time of the Companions, so it is said about them, that they are the Salaf. And the word ‘Salaf’ is something common with the Imaams of this Religion, and the people of the Sunnah and the Jamaaýah, and this is clarified further, by the consensus (ijmaa’) upon the correctness of ascribing to Salafiyyah and that there is no objection to this. Listen to this ijmaa’ being reported by Shaykhul Islaam ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullahu ta’ala, when he said: اقحالإ نوكي الفلسلابهذم نإف قافتالاب هنم كلذ لوبق بجي لب هيلإ ىزتعاو هيلإبستناوفلسلابهذمرهظأ نم ىلع بيع ال” There is no criticism for the one who proclaims the way of the Salaf, who attaches himself to it, and refers to it, rather it is obligatory to accept that with unanimous agreement(Ijmaa’)” to the end of his statement: as the way of the Salaf is nothing but the truth”. Return to it if you desire, page 149 from the 4th volume of Majmoo’ al Fataawa. And ibn Taymiyyah is an outstanding authority of our methodology and he is one whom it has been testified concerning him, that he has great standing and likewise he is one who has preceded in excellence. He is reporting to us, this Ijmaa (concensus)’. And who is ibnu Taymiyyah when he reports Ijmaaý? Surely he is a hujjah(proof) when he reports an ijmaaý. And along with this, know that very few of people of knowledge, their statements are relied upon when they quote al ijmaaý. So O youth of al-Islaam specifically, and O Muslims generally, Donýt let there be any dislike in your chest in ascribing to Salafiyyah. Rather raise your heads by this, and openly proclaim it. And do not let the blame of the blamers overtake you. And I will add one more thing; Shaykhul Islaam ibn Taymiyyah, in the previous reference point, I think it was page 115, he said, from the signs of the People of Innovation is leaving off the ascription to the Salaf us Salih. You will not find a khalafee, especially those who are linked to the newly formed Islamic groups that are present in this time, those who are at war with Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah except that they hate as-Salafiyyah and ascribing to Salafiyyah. Salafiyyah is not only an ascription but it is directing completely one’s ikhlas (sincerity) towards Allaah, subhaanahu wa taýaala and singling out the Prophet salallahu ýalaihi wa salam to be followed only.” So, the people, O my children, are of two groups: The party of Ar-Rahmaan and the party of Ash Shaytaan. So the party of the Devil are the disbelievers and the hypocrites, with the hypocrisy of belief. And the party of Ar-Rahmaan are the Muslims, those who do not commit any actions that will cause them to totally leave the realm of Imaan. And the best of the party of Ar-Rahmaan are those who do not misguide, and are not misguided. Those who proceed and take the path of guidance and truth at any time, and any place and they do not unite upon misguidance. And they are the Salafees, they are Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaaýah, they are the Firqatun Najiyah (Saved sect) and the Taifatul Mansoorah (Victorious group). source: al-athariyyah/salafiyyah/principles_salafiyyah.html
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 23:37:49 +0000

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