Though this is very difficult for a person to weep publicly, but - TopicsExpress


Though this is very difficult for a person to weep publicly, but at the moment I have no other option as I am weeping. Actually there are tears in my eyes. I just want to use these tears for the peace in the world. I do not know whether my tears will have any worth or they are just useless things, but still I am using the tears for winning peace for myself, my children and whole world. At the moment I have severe pain in the chest as still I am unsuccessful in my bid. Life is still difficult for me and many others living around me. Believe me I am still hearing the cries of innocent mothers and sisters, who have been losing their near and dear ones in this mad war on terrorism. This war has badly affected my life. There was great sadness in my home when I was leaving the home for the Press Club. At the moment my wife Fatima Khurshid is also not feeling well as she has many worries. She thinks that this war will bring more miseries in their life. I have been trying to stop this war, but at the moment I am still alone. This is also a big problem for me as how to feed my children. This life is really a hell for me. Actually there are many reasons for me to hate this life, but still I believe that life is a precious gift of God the Great. I love the life, but I am struggling to make my life happy and prosperous. I shall always be praying for a happy and prosperous life for you as I love you, my dearest friends. Love and blessing
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 05:52:17 +0000

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