Thought for today Atheists and their silly imagination. - TopicsExpress


Thought for today Atheists and their silly imagination. Atheists claim Christians are delusional for believing in an imaginary being. Really? The same people who make this claim are the same people who IMAGINE no religion. Ya feel the funny coming? Yeah...i can feel it coming as well..hehehe! What is really laughable is atheists choose Imagine by John Lennon as their anthem. Atheists make all types of fun of people for imagining and being delusional about believing in something we cannot see yet they endulge in imagining a world without religion that could mathematically never happen. Bwahahahaha!!! Sounds oxymoronic for an atheist to call Christians imaginary delusionists does it not? Yes it does. How on earth can you get rid of what one believes in his or her own mind? Ya gotta believ something to know something right? No amount of tyranny nor brainwashing could ever eliminate what one believes in his or her own mind. Definition of religion: A belief system...your system OR way of believing. Everything you believe in life makes up your belief system...or what you believe. Any thing, or any part of your belief system is subject to change at any given moment at your discretion as respects any part of your belief system...or religion. From a belief or non-belief in God to a belief that killing babies in the womb is ok or not ok. Whatever you believe as a whole makes up your entire religion OR belief system...a way of believing. You could believe that soccer is a sport or not a sport. Its not something you believe in...its just something you believe. Part of your belief system. You could believe a god may exist or not exist. Either way...its what you believe and you have the free exercise thereof to believe it. However, believing something is not the same as believing in something, therfore, you dont have to believe in something to have a simply have to believe it. See the difference in sentence structure that brings out a difference in meaning? Freedom of religion means you have a right to believe what you wish in your head and no amount of tyranny can remove the belief system in your brain regardless of what it is. As long as there are teachings of a god/gods....there will always be a belief that gods exists, false god or not. The only way to eliminate belief of or in a god is to suppress the teachings of the existence of gods. Atheists know this to be fact that is why their end goal is to remove any teachings of God and even false gods from the public arena and eventually your house. They know that home churching so to speak, is as home schooling in academia. Like socialists, atheists dont want you teaching your kids anything. Why? Because those teachings lead to a belief system that will be carried out of the house and into the public and political arena of influence where they dont want it to begin with. They want everyone to believe what they believe. That is what I call being robots. This is ironic being as how atheists preach that each individual on this earth should be a freethinker. Freely thinking for themselves what they choose and choose not to believe. But how can this happen when atheists are trying to suppress the ability for people to believe in God as they wish? The bottom matter what makes up your religion OR belief system it could never be removed from the earth. For even IF teachings of God or false gods could ever be phased out of would still have a may not be what you want under a tyrannical world...but it would still be a robotic belief system OR religion....a way of thinking. So you see? To imagine a world without religion is most delusional in itself. There is no mathematical possiblity so to speak to remove it while to an agnostic there is a possibility of a god. Whos the true delusional ones here? Atheists My final thoughts. Mr. Lennon, you continue in your slumber. We shall see you at the ressurrection of the good and the bad. When that era arrives, we shall see if you still want to perform this song live for God to hear. Im sure he will just look at you as being simply a delusional man. And by the way...when that time comes Mr Lennon....i hope you will join us Christians as we inherit this earth and live as one. Something in sure you would In the meantime we will continue to enjoy your song. For thats all it is...a song, NOT a stupid anthem...just a song. A damn good one I might add. Nothing imaginable or delusional about that. Can you rebut my argument? I think not. No, I know not. https://youtube/watch?v=yRhq-yO1KN8
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 07:02:52 +0000

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