Three times in revelation chapter 1 Christ lets us know that he is - TopicsExpress


Three times in revelation chapter 1 Christ lets us know that he is the beginning and the end, before he proceeded to tell reveal to john the prophecy. Revelation 1:8, 11, 17 8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. 11 Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea. 17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last: Does Christ want us to know something? What is he trying to tell us? But wait God said the same thing in the book of Isaiah... Isaiah 44:6 Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God. Is Christ taking the place of God? Isnt taking the place of God blasphemy? But Christ never sinned which means that he must be God and it was him who was speaking throughout the old testament. John 1:1-3, 14 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. There is also anothe reason for Christ declearing him self first and last... he wants us to kno that what ever hapen in the beginning will also happen in the end and we are admonished to go back to the beginning in order to know how to navigate our present ans future because it alread happened. Isaiah 46:8-10 8 REMEMBER this, and shew yourselves men: bring it AGAIN to mind, O ye transgressors. 9 REMEMBER the FORMER things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, 10 Declaring the END from the BEGINNING, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel SHALL STAND, and I WILL do all my pleasure:
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 23:38:56 +0000

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