Throughout history, starting with the sins of Adam and Eve, people - TopicsExpress


Throughout history, starting with the sins of Adam and Eve, people have struggled with pain and hardship. And although, Satan is the father of sin and sorrow, there are many times recorded in the Bible where God allowed troubled times to draw people closer to Him. Unfortunately, sometimes, people need to hit rock bottom, before they look up and see their need of a Savior. In Gods love for us, He allows us to go through hard times to perfect our characters to prepare us for heaven. Many look back at their lives and reflect on all the problems, so much so that they expect the same gloom and doom in the future! But that’s not God’s way! He wants us to have an abundant life with Him! Remember that God is in control and still on the throne! Instead of concentrating on the past, look forward to each new day, knowing that Jesus is the Light of the world and has promised that whoever follows Him, will not walk in darkness. He is our Creator and will never abandon or forsake us. We can trust Him to lead each step of the way. Stop looking back and focusing on all the mistakes! Instead, reach out and take Gods hand and walk in the light - with faith, hope and real joy! TEXT: Gen 1:3, Col 1:17, Gal 5:6
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 17:27:50 +0000

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