Thursday September 11th at 7PM: Bombay Gin Reading Reed - TopicsExpress


Thursday September 11th at 7PM: Bombay Gin Reading Reed Bye Sara Veglahn Mathias Svalina + open mic Reed Bye, Sara Veglahn and Mathias Svalina are initiating our fall reading series at Innisfree. We will close out with an open mic-- so please come with printed pages, iPhones, iDeas, etc. more information: Reed Bye’s most recent publications are Catching On (Monkey Puzzle Press, 2013), a cd of original songs Broke Even (Fast Speaking Music, 2013), and Join the Planets: New and Selected Poems (United Artists Books, 2005). He holds an MA and PhD in English from the University of Colorado and teaches poetry writing workshops and courses in classic and contemporary literary studies and contemplative poetics at Naropa University. He is working a prosodic study of the poetry of Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and William Carlos Williams. He has practiced Shambhala Buddhist meditation for many years and was the Chair of Writing & Poetics for seven years. Sara Veglahn’s novel, The Mayflies, was published by Dzanc Books in April 2014. An excerpt from her novel, The Ladies, was recently published as a chapbook by New Herring Press. Other chapbooks include: Falling Forward (Braincase Press, 2003); Closed Histories (Noemi Press, 2008); and Another Random Heart (Letter Machine Editions, 2009). Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Caketrain, Conjunctions, Sleepingfish, Octopus, Fence, 26, Trickhouse, Tarpaulin Sky, and elsewhere. She holds an MFA in writing from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, a PhD in literature and writing from the University of Denver, and currently lives in Denver. Mathias Svalinas book, Wastoid, is due out from Big Lucks in fall 2014. He is an American poet. He is the author of three preceding books, including Explosions (Subito Press). He has won fellowships and awards from The Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, The Iowa Review, and New Michigan Press. His poems have been published in journals such as American Letters & Commentary, The Boston Review, Gulf Coast, and jubilat. He also co-edits and co-founded Octopus Books with Zachary Schomburg. He is a native of Chicago, Illinois, and currently lives in Denver.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 13:08:52 +0000

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