Thursday evening our company had a retirement party for one of our - TopicsExpress


Thursday evening our company had a retirement party for one of our 30 year employees, it was really nice. They had Whole Foods make his cake, so I have not had cake since Bretts wedding. I thought I would have just a small slice. best cake ever. But..sugar is so addicting that was all I thought about in the next few days was that sweet, dessert. I am back on my diabetic plan.. Sugar and addictions have a direct link, because when tested the brain reacts to sugar just like it does with heroin. There are cool videos out there that prove it too. So be careful with sugar, plus sugar destroys the good gut bacteria and in our gut our body makes many hormones. Food and hormones also have a direct link to our mood. Food is information in the body whether you want to believe it or not, it is a fact. Certain foods turn on and off certain hormones and reactions in the brain causing either depression or lifted moods. Think about this when you want to indulge in too much of the sweet stuff. Stick to the real stuff, real butter, whole eggs, meats, fish, cheeses, low sugar yogurt, veggies, fruits, no processed foods which is stripped of all nutrients, nuts and seeds, beans of all types, REAL FOOD. Gods food not man made food. Eat nutrient dense foods for good health lots of greens if you do not like lots of greens take a green supplement. I take Amazing Grass everyday, it tastes terrible but it is so good for good health. I pinch my nose and slug it down. Anyway..for the new year love yourself and get healthy and eat healthy.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 14:29:09 +0000

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